No Longer An Accident

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I dropped the phone to the floor.

I could practically feel my face draining, a white pallor settling into my cheeks.

My heart was racing like mad, but my brain went into practical mode.

Now I knew I didn't have the phone by accident.

It was left outside of my apartment in hopes that I would find it.

It made sense, didn't it?

That silly little flimsy case would never have protected the phone from the hard concrete.

So why did they want me to have it?

Clearly they wanted to harass me. Ok, but for what reason?

I thought back to my dad. He was a cop, maybe it was someone he'd pissed off?

Although it seemed unlikely, as I was pretty far from my hometown.

Had I pissed anyone off lately? I wracked my brain but came up empty.

I didn't have enough daily social interactions to piss anyone off, if I'm being honest.

But they had to know who I was.

They'd followed me to the club.

They'd taken my picture.

And they'd sent the picture right when I picked up the phone.

Just as this thought registered, the phone went off again.



This time, there was no hesitation.

I picked up the phone and said in a strong, angry voice,

"Who the fuck is this? I don't have time to play your fucking games. Do you think I'm scared of a asshole like you?" The expletives continued to pour out of my mouth.


"Are you there?" I yell into the receiver

That same, toneless, emotionless voice.

Click. Call ended.

I'll admit, I was pretty freaked out by this.

I made the decision in a split second.

I grabbed my backpack and filled it with a few necessities, grabbed both the phones, and ran out to my car.

I jumped in, locking the door behind me, and sped off down the street.

My eyes trained on the rearview mirror to ensure no one was following me.


I drove through town for a few hours, taking every turn that I could.

In the meantime, I came up with a plan.

Whoever this was, and whatever reason they had for doing this, I wasn't going to be victim of this stupid prank anymore.

Once I was sure I wasn't being followed, I pulled over and called Anna.

I explained the situation to her over the phone and she agreed to let me stay at her place.

"I'll help you catch this fucker," she says in an angry tone.

20 minutes later, I arrived at her house.

"Ok, let's catch him."

We sat in her living room and I took out my phone.

If we were going to find out who this guy or girl was, we were going to need all the help we could get.

And all that help consisted of this weird phone.

I slid the phone to unlock it and we stared down at it.

"Where do we even begin start?"

"Pictures," Anna sighs while pointing to the screen.


I clicked on the photo icon and started from the beginning.


Are you guys enjoying this story? Cause I'm loving it!

I noticed that all my other chapters have been only about 5 pages long. SOO I'm hoping this one is longer.

Please please please comment/vote/like!!!

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