One Attatchment

11 1 0

The club was pretty fun.

It turned out that Anna's friends all happened to be guys, with one in the mix who was exactly my type.

Tall, with dark hair, forceful and confident, and a little controlling.

I know, I'm asking for trouble. But a little trouble is good once in a while. Plus, he and I hit it off right away.

He sealed the deal when he took my phone, found my number and plugged it into his phone.

"I'm taking you out on Saturday. You better be ready at 8!" He exclaimed with a huge cheeky smile.

I felt a chill up my spine. Oh, hell yes, I would be.

I crashed at Anna's place.

We spent the rest of the night watching shitty horror movies that we'd already seen a million times and making brownies.

Well, actually, just the brownie batter, which we then ate raw.

We passed out around 4AM and I went home around noon the next day.

Thank goodness I didn't have any Friday classes.

It wasn't until after I'd already showered and ate some breakfast that I caught sight of the phone once again.

I don't know why, but just looking at it made me uncomfortable.

I decided I'd bring it to the cops that day.

I was about to throw it in my purse when the screen lit up.

New Message: One Attachment

I slid the phone open.

The text was from a restricted number again. I shivered.

I opened the attachment.

It was a picture.

A picture of me.

Taken from inside the club when I was talking to Mr. Bad Boy.

It was a close picture, too, taken no more than a few feet away from me.

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