The day I met you ..

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I remember that day I met you in the coffee shop . It was a cold afternoon in New York and i had gone in to warm up with a nice cup of coffee .  I was the usual me , as clumsy as a butterfly without its wings . I bashed into you not looking where i was going and spilt my coffee all over you . You looked up angrily , and   when I  looked into your eyes they seemed  as endless as the ocean , they were beautiful but yet intense . ' I'm so sorry ' i said and your  reply was ' Its okay don't worry about it ' . You had that intensity in your eyes again and smiled  . ' Would you like to sit with me ? ' he said . I blushed and then replied ' No sorry  i better head home now ' . ' Oh come on its the least you can do , let me buy you another coffee ' he laughed and went up to the till without me even answering . I nervously  sat at one of the tables and taught about how old he was ,  because he seemed a couple years older than me . I didn't really care because i was hypnotized by his eyes , he was just beautiful . I taught about how cool i would look being seen with him and i quickly took out my  mirror from my handbag , to fix my hair and waited for him . He came back smiling and gave me my coffee . ' Thanks ' i giggled . When we started talking and  he told me his name was Jake and that he was 21 . The age gap didn't matter to me , it was  only 5 years difference  . ' My name is Skye and I'm 16 '  I said . We went on talking for about an hour , it felt like i had known him for years . When i looked at my watch i realised that i was late for dance class . ' Oh shit , I'm late for dance class ' i said . He offered to drive me but i resisted , I had only known him a day . ' Oh okay ' he said looking disappointed . ' Would you like to go on a date with me Skye ? I really enjoyed talking to you ' he said and your face went as red as a tomato . ' Sure i would ' i said trying to keep it cool and we exchanged phone numbers . ' I will call you tomorrow ' he said  , I smiled and went out of the coffee shop with that same smile still on my face . I was so excited and couldnt wait to see him again .

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