School ...

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The next morning I just about managed to get up . I hated school , it's such a waste of time . I quickly got ready and went down the stairs , where I met my mom at the door . She was  waiting for me . There was an awkward silence between us and  to break it , I walked out to the car and she followed . We got into the car and we both  stayed silent ,  for about two minutes and then she did what I expected her to do .She broke out into another lecture about being respectful to adults and  how I should concentrate on my grades instead of thinking about boys .  I couldn't take this shit anymore  and when she stopped at the traffic lights I decided to get out and walk the rest of the way . I wasn't bothered to look back , she deserved this . I wasn't a child anymore , I was a young woman now and she needed to see it . 

When I got to school , the first person I saw was Mike . Mike was my best friend . We were friends from the time we were born , really . We did everything together , we were like siblings . Atleast it felt like it . He ran straight at me , picked me up and spun me round . 'What is up with you ? ' I giggled . He put me down and took out some kind of paper out of his school bag . He gave it to me and I could tell he was excited , he was buzzing with it . I couldn't believe what I was reading . I read it over and over . ' Oh my God Mike I am so proud of you ! ' I screeched with joy . I gave him a big hug . Mike was going to become a doctor and he had just received a scholarship  to the best university around . He had great grades and there was no one else who deserved it more than him. 

Throughout the day , I wanted to find a time to tell Mike about the problems I was having at home , but I couldnt find the right time . He was so happy about the scholarship that I didnt want to dump my issues on him . The day was a bore . Same old , same old .

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