Welcome To Beacon Academy

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On an Airship

Shadow was sitting down meditating and his partner Jesse Colt mysteriously appeared next to him.

Jesse: Yep, partner, it's just you and me in this rodeo. You've got a keen eye, I can see it in your gaze. It's like you've already mapped out the whole dang thing. A silent ninja fella struts on into Beacon Academy, thinkin' he's the coolest cat in town, ready to take down any obstacle that dares cross his path (chuckles). Remember that Primary Combat School you graduated from? Sanctum, right? I reckon you still remember the way folks reacted when you graduated early. Toppin' your class, acin' tests left and right, you were a cut above the rest, my friend. And after that, you went on to become the best.
But let me tell ya, Beacon Academy ain't like them kiddie schools you attended. No, sir. It's where you become a real man, where you start slayin' them monstrous critters, them Grimm. And let me tell ya, those critters don't mess around, whether they're big or small. But the good news is, neither do we, buddy. We're ready to take 'em on, tooth and nail, and show 'em who's boss. So saddle up, partner, 'cause we're in for one wild ride at Beacon Academy.

a holo screen appears and was playing the local Vale News.

Broadcaster: The robbery was led by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you Lisa!

Lisa: Thank you, Cyril! In other news, this Saturday's Faunus Civil Rights Protest turn dark....

The news was interrupted by a hologram of Glynda Goodwitch.

Glynda: Hello and welcome to Beacon. My name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among a privileged others who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy. Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace. And as future Huntsmans and Huntressed, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world.

Jesse: Ya know, it's a mighty complicated situation with them Faunus in the White Fang. Truth be told, I do feel a twinge of sympathy for some of 'em. Not all of 'em have a taste for sheddin' human blood, no siree. They just yearn for equality, to be treated like folks, plain and simple. But some of 'em, well, they just can't let go of a grudge. They can't help but spill the blood of them who done 'em wrong. It's a sad cycle, really. They get mistreated by one human or more, and before ya know it, they start thinkin' all humans are the same. But let's try to keep our spirits high, old friend. 'Cause here's the silver linin': not all Faunus are foolish enough to join the White Fang. Nope, some of 'em'd rather put their skills to good use, take the high road. They see the bigger picture and aim to make a positive impact, showin' the world that Faunus can contribute in all sorts of ways. It's a tangled web, this world we live in, but we gotta hold onto the hope that change can happen. So let's keep our hearts open, understandin' the struggles on both sides, and work towards a future where everyone can coexist in harmony.

Shadow points at a girl with black hair, a black, buttoned vest with coattails and a single silver button on the front. Underneath this is a white, sleeveless, high necked, crop undershirt and white shorts with a zipper on the front of each leg, emblazoned with the YKK logo of the real-life Japanese zipper manufacturer. black low-heeled boots and full stockings with a color gradation of black to purple at her ankles. On her left arm is a black detached sleeve with a silver cuff around her bicep, and black ribbons are wrapped around both forearms. A small, loose, black scarf is wrapped around her neck, and a gray magnetic backpack is strapped to her back, hidden by her hair. He does a sign language for "cat ears".

Jesse: Cat ears under her bow?

Shadow nods and then when the bullhead lands he gets up walks to the door with the rest of the students. Then, he walks towards the school while looking at other students and their weapons. But, he heard an explosion behind him and saw a girl with a red hood and another girl with white hair. He heard them arguing as he closer to them.

Weiss: Watch where you're going!

Ruby: I said I was sorry princess!

Shadow was confused at first, but then he recognize the white hair girl as Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company. Then, the cat faunus from ship shows up.

Blake: It's heiress, actually. Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world.

Weiss: (smiling smugly) Finally! Some recognition!

Blake: The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners.

Weiss: Wha- How dare- The nerve of... Ugh! (gets up in Blake's face and takes the bottle from her, walking off in a huff as her helpers gather the luggage and follow).

The black hair girl also walks away leaving Shadow alone with the red haired girl. Shadow walks towards the girl and extends his hand. the red haired girl looks at him confused and she took his hand and Shadow helps her up.

Ruby: Uh...hi.

Shadow: (waves)

Ruby: I'm Ruby Rose

Shadow: (nods)

Ruby: And who are you?

Shadow: (points at his shadow)

Ruby: Shadow?

Shadow: (points at the color of his jacket)

Ruby: White?

Shadow: (points at himself)

Ruby: Shadow White

Shadow: (nods)

Ruby: Um.... do you talk?

Shadow: (taps his throat and gives a no gestures)

Ruby: I'll take that as a no

Shadow: (shrugs)

Ruby: So I got this thing ( takes out a scythe and she calls it Crescent Rose)

Shadow: (does a sign language for "scythe")

Ruby: Yup, it's a scythe. It's also a customizable high-impact sniper rifle!

Shadow: (does a finger gun gesture)

Ruby: Uh-huh, (cocks it ) It's also a gun. So what do you got?

Shadow pulls out his twin black katanas, he twirls them for a while and the tosses them high in the air. Then, he pulls out his third katana and an amazing trick with it. Finally, he jumps in the air, grabs his twin katanas and lands on feet while pulling his pistol out.

Ruby: Oh my gosh! That was so cool!

Shadow: (takes a bow and then he grabs Ruby hand)

Ruby: Uh... what are you doing?

Shadow does a white spin-dash with Ruby in it and he dash his way to the auditorium.

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