Welcome To Beacon Academy Part 2

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Shadow stops spin-dashing and he and Ruby walked around until a girl with blonde hair called Ruby over.

Yang: (waving) Ruby! Over here! I saved you a spot!

Ruby: Oh! Hey, I-I gotta go! I'll see you after the ceremony! (leaves)

Shadow: (waves bye to Ruby)

Shadow continues to walk around until he stopped when he saw Professor Ozpin was about to make a speech.

Ozpin: I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.

Glynda: (as Ozpin leaves, she steps up to talk) You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed.

Shadow continues walk when Jesse appears in front of him.

Jesse: Better get on ready for tomorrow partner. Y'all are gonna be in a heck of a doozy.

Shadow: (nod)

Ballroom, At Night

Shadow was on his sleeping bag, looking around, studying the other students until he saw the cat girl faunus from earlier. While he was walking to her, he met up with Ruby and her older sister Yang. Together, the three of them walk towards the cat faunus. The cat faunus looks over her book to see Shadow, Ruby, and Yang.

Yang: (singing) Hel-looooo! I believe you two may know each other?

Blake: Aren't you... that girl that exploded?

Ruby: Uh, yeah! My name's Ruby! But you can just call me Crater... (smiles, embarrassed) Actually, you can just call me Ruby.

Blake looks at Shadow and smiles for a bit and he smiles back.

Blake: And you're that boy from earlier, right?

Shadow: (nods and gestures his name was "Shadow White").

Blake: Nice to meet you Shadow

Yang: So... What's your name?

Blake: (sighing as she's distracted yet again) Blake.

Yang: Well, Blake, I'm Yang, Ruby's older sister! I like your bow!

Blake: (irritated) Thanks!

Yang: It goes great with your... pajamas!

Blake: Right...

Yang: (as Ruby laughs uncomfortably) Nice night, don't you think?

Blake: Yes, it's lovely! Almost as lovely as this book! (Ruby and Yang stand there) That I will continue to read. (Ruby and Yang continue standing) As soon as you leave!

Shadow shrugs his shoulders with confusion.

Yang: Yeah, this girl's a lost cause.

Ruby: What's it about?

Blake: Huh?

Shadow: (points at the book she's reading)

Blake: Well... it's about a man with two souls each fighting for control over his body.

Yang: (sarcastically) Oh, yeah... That's real lovely!

Ruby: I love books. Yang used to read to me every night before bed. Stories of heroes and monsters... They're one of the reasons I want to be a Huntress!

Shadow: (claps his hands)

Blake: (laughing a little) And why is that? Hoping you'll live happily ever after?

Shadow: (snickers)

Ruby: Well, I'm hoping we all will. As a girl, I wanted to be just like those heroes in the books... Someone who fought for what was right, and protected people who couldn't protect themselves!

Blake: That's... very ambitious for a child. (her smile turns into a frown) Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale.

Ruby: Well, that's why we're here! To make it better.

Yang: Oh, I am so proud of my baby sister! (hugs Ruby into the air)

Ruby: (kicking out) Cut it out! (the forced sisterly bonding evolves into a dust cloud of fighting limbs and flying stars)

Blake: (laughing slightly) Well, Ruby, Yang, Shadow, it's a pleasure to ha-

Weiss: (storming onto the scene in her own pajamas as Ruby traps Yang's leg) What in the world is going on over here?! Don't you realize some of us are trying to sleep?

Weiss and Yang: (at the sight of each other) Oh, not you again!

Shadow: (tries his best not to laugh)

Ruby: Shh! Guys, she's right! People are trying to sleep!

Weiss: Oh, now you're on my side!

Ruby: I was always on your side!

Yang: Yeah, what's your problem with my sister? She's only trying to be nice!

Weiss: She's a hazard to my health!

Shadow: (gives a bow and does a sign language for "Good Night").

Blake: Yeah, good night Shadow. Oh and Shadow.

Shadow: (turns around)

Blake: I like your sunglasses

Shadow: (does a sign language for "Thank You" and walks away).

Blake grabs her candle and blows it out.

Shadow goes back to his sleeping bag and lays down. He turns to his and see Jesse sitting next to him.

Jesse: Well now, didn't reckon you had a way with words, pardner (chuckles). I've been right here, watchin' ya all along. Seen you tryin' to charm them ladies.

Shadow: (smiles a little bit and shakes his head)

Jesse: You just keep on doin' your thing, buddy. Well, reckon it's about time we hit the hay, partner. Tomorrow's the big initiation day, where you gotta show 'em what you're made of. It's a simple as that, either you got it in ya or you don't (chuckles).

Shadow takes his shades off and begins to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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