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Hogwarts. Thursday, the 17th of June, 1976, 15:34

"Fine, you wanna talk? Let's talk." Remus spun on his heel, his robes billowing around him, and stalked angrily in Sirius' direction. Sirius stood frozen at the fire in Remus' eyes as the man grabbed his arm so hard, Sirius could feel bruises forming. He stumbled after Remus as he dragged them into an empty classroom, slamming the door behind him and letting Sirius go abruptly as if he was on fire.

Sirius stumbled into the classroom bewildered before turning to face Remus, anger burning trails of fire in his blood. He was about to open his mouth to snap at Remus but the look in the boy's now glowing eyes snapped his mouth shut before he could make a sound.

Sirius gulped, suddenly feeling incredibly small under the weight of Remus' gaze. His eyes traced the movement of Remus' hand that reached into his robes to get his wand out and staggered back, bracing himself for a hex.

Remus' eyes flashed with an unidentifiable emotion and he angrily threw up a silencing charm, eyes not leaving Sirius' as he put his wand back into his pocket. Sirius broke first, bowing his head, his eyes burning holes into the ancient stone floor, grateful for the way his hair obstructed his face.

His mouth went dry and all the speeches and apologies he rehearsed drained out of his brain. He didn't think he would get this far.

Remus made an impatient noise "Well?" He spat "You wanted to talk, is that going to be anytime this decade?" Sirius shuddered at the coldness in his voice. Moony never spoke to him in this way, ever.

"Moony I-" his first mistake.

"Don't call me that. You lost that privilege the moment you decided that I was a weapon you could use for your stupid fucking rivalry"

"It wasn't like that I swear! He just wouldn't shut his stupid mouth about you-" Sirius looked up at Remus, his second mistake. Remus' entire body was tense, his warm golden eyes glowing cold and hard as steel, filled with fury

"And you decided to prove him right, huh? Bring him to the big scary wolf so that he can see for himself?" Remus laughed bitterly "End his life and destroy mine just because of some stupid fucking schoolyard insults?" his voice rose louder and bounced around in Sirius' head, making him dizzy.

Sirius tried to say something, tried to explain that it wasn't just schoolyard insults, but Remus wasn't done. Sirius stumbled back as Remus took a big step towards him, his shoes catching on a crack in the stone and he fell to the ground, a pain shooting up his spine at the impact. Remus was unfazed and suddenly they were close, closer than they had ever been in 5 days and it was horrible.

"But no, you didn't think about me, you didn't think about James and Peter, you didn't think about anyone but yourself, just like you always do. You're irrational and impulsive and all your life you've never had to face any consequences for your actions! Well, guess what, mommy and daddy won't get you out of this one, and stupid Remus won't be there to clean up your messes!" Remus towered over Siris and suddenly he was 11 again, his mother towering above him as she slammed the door of his bedroom open on the first day of Christmas break, startling him while he was unpacking his trunk, shrieking at him for being sorted into Gryffindor, for hanging out with blood traitors and disgracing their family.

That was the first time of many to come that his mother used the cruciatus curse on him.

Sirius recoiled back from Remus, head bowed and face turned away. Everything was too close, too loud, too painful but Sirius deserved it, deserved everything and more of what Remus had to say. He forced himself to listen to every word, to commemorate every syllable.

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