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A deviate Valentina rocked slowly while sitting in an antique like wooden chair. Her mind has yet to relax. Clouded by manic thoughts.

All that could be heard was the creaking of the worn down chair as she rocked, at least to the average ear it is what one one think. But Valentina heard more, she saw more. She felt more. She had become an superior version of herself. In a sense she'd think of herself as a meta human.

Swayed out of her muggy thoughts, she darts from the chair and begins to pace back and forth around her dark dull bedroom.

"Okay maybe I have been a tad irrational" she mumbled, calculating each step she takes. "ALRIGHT! I've been very irrational. But my mind is intact! Can they not see that I'm sane?" She groans, while pulling her distressed hair. In a rut she quickens her pace shaking her head.

Valentina's view on her improved senses was nothing short of a miracle. They were enhanced greatly and she felt like she was breaking through many mental & physical barriers she never thought she'd be able to merely cross.

So if these new blessings came with a few measly downfalls so what! She was taking her chances.

"Ugh! I mean for the love of God I can hear sounds I never even heard before. Ive relished in the sweet melodic sounds of above; and I've swayed to the dark demonic sounds from below." She preached, bringing her pacing to an haltering stop. Aggressively rubbing her wrist she slowly walked to her chair and sat once again.

"But Wait!" She shouts in the empty room. "I can tell you how all this came about!'' She nodded, gnawing at her bottom lip. She figured she could prove her mental state by simply explaining everything.

Valentina couldnt conjure up a logical reasoning for even coming up with the idea. The thought had just come to her one day, while she was scrolling through tiktok. Twisting her lips in confusion, the realization dawned on her. She had no significant explanation.

"You know I didn't have any ill will towards the old bitch; I'd say I even loved her. She was truly kind. Didn't need her money, got my own." She chuckled menacingly."It's just..he-her eye bro." She shuttered.

Valentina shivered at the thought of the elderly woman's eye. It was like she had the eye of a stonefish. The eye of one of the most venomous fish, who sit back and wades in the camouflage of the blue ocean sand. Ready to strike their next victim with its powerful almost certainly deadly toxin.

Beads of sweat trickled down Valentina's forehead, as she blinked harshly to avoid the perspiration from falling in her eyes. She bitterly ranted, "When the old lady looked at me with tha-that eye it just did something to me; it did something to me physically yo!"

Valentina couldn't take looking into the woman's eye. It reminded her of the abyss. Dark and unwelcoming; full of evil. It would send a unbearable chill through her body. She'd even say her blood would freeze.

Deciding to get up, Valentina runs the back of her hand across her face. Walking towards the window in her room with shaky hands. She leans onto the windows pane. While scratching her forearm, she continued, "That's when I made my mind up, I had to kill her...ya know. I had to get rid of that putrid eye for good!"

 I had to get rid of that putrid eye for good!"

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