Transgender Men and Women

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Transgender identity.

Something most don't understand.

You feel as if you were

physically born in the wrong body,

born as the wrong gender.

God made us all different.

Some of us were born correctly,

perfect on the first try.

Others have to work for it,

work to be accepted

as they go through the change.

They beg people to use

the correct pronouns - he, she, or they.

There will always be a part of me

that never understands

why people are so cruel

to those that are transgender.

They're human beings,

just like the both of us.

Transgender men and women

are REAL men and women,

regardless of previous parts.

It is real. It is true.

Being transgender is something

a person feels in their soul.

You can't change it,

you can't go back.

All you can do is

Make the best of it,

get through the bad situations

people throw in your face

and hope that you find acceptance.

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