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Walking down the street,

I feel all their eyes on me.

I'm not a small girl

By any means of the words

And they're clearly aware,

Judging me with every passing glance.

I can hear their words

Echoing in my head.

"Fat ass". "Whale". "Cow".

"Put the burger down".

"Hit the gym fat ass".

The list of mean words

Replay over and over in your mind

From the moment they're first said,

Escaping everyone's lips

Like a bullet to your heart.

You're aware that you're big,

Them saying it doesn't tell you anything new.

But, if they're really concerned for your health

Like they claim they truly are,

Wouldn't they encourage you

Instead of breaking you down with mean words

And hurtful glances?

Walking down the road,

I can feel all eyes on me.

You know what they're thinking.

How dare you be happy?

How dare you wear clothes that make you comfortable

While you're out in public?

You feel like you need to cover your arms and legs up,

You have a change of jeans and a jacket in your bag

Just in case the shorts and tank top

Become too uncomfortable.

You can't become skinny overnight,

So you try your best to keep your head high.

You're already 20 pounds down,

20 pounds lighter than you've been in awhile.

Although you're at your biggest,

You're proud of yourself.

Proud that you're finally doing this for yourself

And not letting all the mean glances make you change clothes.

You're big, beautiful, and owning it.

You're becoming comfortable in your own skin,

Just as you should be.

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