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"I'D HATE TO HAVE TO BREAK YOUR NOSE a second time for you to understand, potter." draco spat at harry. the two were at it again, this time arguing in the corridor outside the great hall after dinner. it had all started when the students were leaving, and draco had overheard harry make some smart-ass comment about mattheo, which draco absolutely could not let go.

harry stepped to draco, getting in his face. "oh? you mean how you spelled me like a little bitch so i couldn't move? if that's your definition of a fair fight you're about to have your shit rocked, malfoy." he spat. hermione flinched, she had never heard harry swear like that. how did it go this far this quick?

"draco, man. it's alright. i know what this is about."

mattheo's arm tugged draco and the blonde boy moved aside as he stepped up. harry's jaw clenched as his heart pounded in his ears. he was now face to face with the son of the man who had taken nearly everything from him.

"you've had a problem with me since i got here." mattheo said, "shoulder checking me yesterday at breakfast? i thought the famous harry potter would have more balls than to pull a little bitch move like that. honestly, i'm disappointed." mattheo said, feigning a genuine tone.

harry didn't respond, only the grinding of his teeth did. mattheo noticed this, he noticed the power he had to rile harry up. the fact his very presence

"and i get it dude. you're mad. you're mad they let me into this school, and into these halls. you're mad i'm standing here in your face, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it."

"no." harry shook his head. "i'm beyond mad." he felt his body begin to tremble in anger. this arrogant piece of shit was getting in his face, and he didn't like it one bit.

"oh yeah?" mattheo faked a pout. "you gonna cry about it? are you gonna run home and tell daddy?" he asked in a taunting tone and an evil smile spread across his face as his head tilted. he resembled his father too much.

"is that the best you've got? making fun of my father's death?" harry scoffed, grinding his teeth again. "well, i suppose your entire bloodline is weak considering your father couldn't even manage kill me as a baby, so had to send his son to my school to rile me up while he tries to regain his withering strength. that's pathetic. you're both pathetic." he spat, staring daggers into mattheo's eyes.

"blimey," ron winced, "you know when it comes down to it, harry really does have a mouth on him, don't he?" he whispered to hermione, who's response was a swift elbow to the stomach. "oi," he called, "you wanna have a go too then?"

mattheo's face changed from a look of amusement to anger quickly as he stepped closer and his eyes darkened. "keep my father and i out your fucking mouth, harry. i'm warning you."

"oh yeah?" harry spoke, mimicking his phrase from earlier. "what are you gonna about it if do if i don't?" the end of his sentence was enunciated with angry precision. the tension was so high and the air felt still, no one dared to move.

mattheo kissed his teeth and looked around at the crowd before learning closer, lips next to harry's ear.

"i'm gonna put you six feet under with your fucking parents."

hermione and ron gasped, turning their heads to look at each other. no way in absolute hell did he just say that?

that was it. those were the fighting words. nobody in the hallway had time to process the creulty of what had just been said before harry potter's fist came flying into the side of mattheo's face, connecting with a sickeningly loud and heavy blow.

mattheo yelled out a curse and cupped his face, stumbling back. he moved his hand,  and his eye began to twitch at the amount of blood the heavy hit had drawn from his nose. he looked up at harry and let out an angry huff before running at the boy, tackling him to the ground. mattheo was swift with his hits, punching at the boy's nose as harry started to land some punches of his own. the two tussled on the floor for a moment in a flight of rage, each having something to prove to the other, themself and their fathers.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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