Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience [2]

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Wanda opened the back door to the kitchen as Emma hurried in carrying cooking supplies. "Emma, you are a lifesaver,"

"Well, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't have a gourmet meal for four just lying about the place?" Emma teased, only to gasp when a pot fell from her grasp. "Oh, my!"

"I'm sure she's absolutely fine in there!" Vision called from the living room.

"Is that your husband? Sounds handsome,"

Wanda turned towards Emma "Oh, thank you, Emma. I think I've got it covered from here,"

"Oh, are you sure?"

"Mmhmm," Wanda nodded.

"Wanda, this is a lot of food. Four hands are better than two,"

Wanda tried to push Emma out.

Emma moved and placed her hands on her hips "I'm not asking you for my help. I'm giving my help, whether you like it or not,"

Wanda blew her hair in frustration, and Emma could have sworn she saw a bit of red in her eyes. "Oh, All right, then,"

Emma smiled in success "Well, I knew you were in a pinch, so this menu can be done in a snap. Lobster Thermidor with mini-minced meat turnovers to start. Chicken à la King with twice-cooked new potatoes for your second course, and Steak Diane and mint jellies for your main." she looked at Wanda. "Do you set your own jellies?"

"Yes," Wanda nodded.

"Okay," Emma looked up in shock as she heard someone approach the kitchen.

"I sense a domestic emergency, so..." A woman said.

"Mrs. Hart," Vision said from the living area, "please don't. You can't. You...please...Yeah, take out the papers and the trash..." he began to sing as Mrs. Hart opened the blinders that divided the living area from the kitchen "Or you won't get no spending cash,"

Emma and Wanda shared a look of confusion.

"If you don't scrub the kitchen floor. You ain't gonna rock and roll no more. Yakety yak! Don't talk back,"

Emma quickly hurried over and closed the blinders again at the distraction.

"Well, why don't we have a nice sing-a-long, all together then, shall we?" Vision suggested.

Emma glanced over, worried, when Wanda gasped.

"Oh, no, too much!" Wanda said as she zapped the chicken with her powers. She waved her hands, and the chicken turned into eggs. "Oh, no, not enough!" Wanda met Emma's gaze and realized what had just happened. "Oh no,"

Vision hurried into the kitchen as lobster flew out the window.

"Oh no!"

"What can I do to assist?" Vision asked.

"Well, the chicken is no longer a chicken, and the lobsters just flew the coop," Emma said. "So the steak is the last man standing. We can cut down the prep time with a meat tenderizer,"

"Excellent plan. Who are you?"

Emma held out her hand. "I'm Emma. You're neighbor,"

Mrs. Hart opened the divider "Hoo-hoo in there,"

"Hoo-hoo, back to you!" Wanda said as she closed it back up. "Okay. Finish the meat, and find the lobsters. I'll be right back," she tossed her apron at Vision.

"So, are you magic too?" Emma asked, "Or just your wife?"


Emma heard a knock at the door. "Go help her; I can handle the kitchen,"

Wanda came into the kitchen. "Well..."

Emma held up the pulverized steaks "Well...couldn't find the lobsters and the steaks are..."

"Oh, boy." Wanda grabbed a whisk. "Time to improvise,"

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