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YALLL IM BACK LMAOOOO (I actually got pretty sick so hence why I wasn't able to upload for a while, I saw all the loving comments and like, how could I leave you all!

(Also I got a little gift for y'all coming up soon, make sure too check my page for it 🤭🤭😉)
Y/n POV:
I sat on my bed, thinking about what I should do.
*Man, Things were going so well then Tyler showed up, what do we do?*
I narrowed my eyes in thought, not even noticing who walked into the room
"Y/n? Woah I've never seen you in such thought before.." a familiar voice said
I perked up realizing who it was, Aki!
"Aki! And yeah, im thinking about what we should do about Tyler"
She hummed in response
"I have an idea, sometimes if we fine a complaint about him and give it to the principal we can get him out of here!" She said cheerfully
I smiled, "Yeah, your right! We should tell this to the others"
She grinned "Hell yeah!"
I stood up, walking twords her
"Hey, do you know where gon and killua are?"
"Yeah, they both went to go get some groceries, since the dorm doesn't have anything"
I smiled "alright. Well I'm the mean time, what should we do?"
"Oh! We should go shopping! Plus, it's been a while since we did that" Aki said
I immediately bubbled up with excitement
"Yeah! That sounds amazing"
She smiled at me "Alright, let's go!"
We both walked downstairs, looking at our empty dorm room, and where Tyler had slept on the small couch
"Hey Aki, we should burn that couch once Tyler gets out of here"
She laughed "I was gunna do that anyways!"
We both walked out and got into Akis car, the lovely smell of lavender filled the car
"Man, what do I gotta do to get my car to smell like this! Poor killua.." I said
She laughed as she turned on the ignition
"I guess we can get you some car refreshers too"
"Yes please!" I said
We both got ready to go, Aki turned the ignition on and next think I knew, we were at the furniture store!

We both got out of the car and walked in, A cool breeze hitting the both of us
"Hm alright, so we need a table and mattress frames for Gon and Killua"
I sighed "Man! We don't have that much money.."
Aki then smiled "don't worry dear! My mom covered everything for us!"
I looked at her in shock "really!? I'll have to make it up to her later, your mom is a goddess!"
Aki laughed "yeah, she's pretty great"
"Alright, I'll go look for a mattress frame for gon, you can look for one for killua then we can meet up back here too look for a table, sound like a plan?" Aki said
I nodded in agreement
"Alright!" Aki said as she walked away
I smiled *Its so nice to have Aki as a best friend, she truely is amaing* I thought
I started to walk around the store, taking everything in. I walked passed tables and couches, looking for the bedroom section
"Ah! Here it is!" I whispered
As I walked up to one of the bed frames, I heard a sweet voice from behind me
"Finding everything ok?" She said
I turned around and saw a girl my age, she was beautiful
"Oh um, yes! Thank you!" I said
She smiled sweetly at me "of course, my name is Kina so let me know if you need help with anything!" The sweet girl said
"Okay I will, thank you Kina!"
She smiled before walking away
"She was so sweet!" I said
I quickly went back to looking at bed frames, and eventually found one I thought Killua would like
"There's no way I can carry this box.." I said quietly
I looked around the area, and didn't spot anyone
"Maybe I should try and look for that Kina girl?" I whispered
I started walking around the store and eventually found her
"Hey um, Kina right?" I said
She turned and looked at me, immediately smiling
"Oh yes! Hi! What can I do for you?" She said
"Um I need help lifting a box, and moving it to the car" I said
She paused for a moment in thought
"Hm there isn't much that I can do, but we can purchase it through this tablet and have one of our employees in the back carry it to your vehicle?" She said
I smiled "yeah, that would be great!"
She returned the smile and said "Alright, show me where the box is!"
I nodded and started walking
I waited for her to do her job, it thankfully didn't take very long
"Alright, your good to go! Anything else I can do for you?" She said
I shook my head "no, but I'll let you know if I need help!"
She smiled and walked away
*I guess I should go meet aki* I thought
I walked twords the entrance where we had agreed to meet
"Ah aki! There you are" I said
She smiled "ah y/n! Found a frame?"
I nodded "did you?"
She smiled "yup, it's in the car!"
I paused for a moment
"Wait, did you carry it?!" I said
She laughed "yup! I bought it already too! Now we just need to find a table and shove it in the back of the car" she said
Soon enough we found a table and got out of the store and into the car
"Man, im suprised that it all fit in here" I said
Aki nodded in agreement
"Alright, let's get this stuff back, maybe gon and killua are back by now and can help us move this stuff In" she said
We then started to drive back to our dorm
"Ah Finally! We're back" Aki sighed as she fell backwards into the chair of the car
I giggled "cmon, let's go get those two to help us!" I said
We then got out of the car and wlaked to our dorm
I opened the door and saw something shocking.

Narrator POV:
Killua was holding Tyler by the collar, and everything was a mess. Clothes flown everywhere, more specifically, y/n's clothes and under garments were spread everywhere
"You bastard, I'll kill you!" Killua shouted.

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