Oh no, hes fucked

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Y/n's POV:
I was shocked to see killua holding Tyler by the collar, yelling obsessively and violently
"You bastard! Ill kill you!" He yelled
I stood in shock while Aki ran in and immediately started picking up my clothes
*what happened here?* I thought
Gon was standing not too far away from killua, with his arms crossed. It was obvious he was mad.
Gon then saw me, and walked up to me
"Y/n, are you ok?" He said
I nodded "yeah, im just confused"
Gon sighed "it's probably best if killua tells you"
I nodded agian "yeah, okay"
Killua then punched him, literally making Tyler fly across the room
I walked up to him
"Killua? What happened?" I said
He sighed "this moron was going through your stuff and..smelling them" he said while clenching his teeth
My eyes widened "what?!"
I stormed over to Tyler, picking him up then clocking him in the face again
"Ouch, you've gotten quite strong y/n" he said
"Tch. You should be grateful that's all I did" I said, and irk mark on my face
Tyler chuckled, I couldn't belive he had the audacity to even do something as disgusting as that
"Leave. Now." Killua said, coming up behind me
Tyler immediately got up and left
Killua sighed "I'll help you pick this stuff u-" he said before pausing, realizing everything was already picked up
"Oh well, never mind" he said
"Well, there is something you can help me with though" I said
He looked at me in confusion "hm? What is it?" He said
I smiled "Aki and I bought you and gon a bed frame so you don't have to sleep on the floor anymore!" I said
He looked at me in shock, small amounts of pink dusting his cheeks
"Oh well, um thank you" he said, blushing slightly
I smiled, "cmon, let's go get it"
He smiled then followed me to the car
We both picked up the box and carried it inside.

Time pass~
I layed on the couch, processing the events of the day. *Man today was so crazy I can't believe it* thought
My thoughts were interrupted as I saw white hair infront of me
"Yo, you okay?" Killua asked
I smiled briefly "yeah I am, thanks!"
He narrowed his eyes at me, Crap.
"Cmon y/n, that douche bag Tyler did some nasty stuff to you."
Yeah, he was right. I guess I just didn't wanna admit it.
"So, what are we gunna do?" I asked
He hummed "well we have classes tomorrow, we will go in before school and talk to the principal about him moving out." He said
I smiled, "yeah, that would be great!"
He then walked towards me, bending infront of me and stared into my eyes
"Your beautiful, y/n" he said
My face immediately flushed a bright red
"Woah..where did that come from..?" I said shyly
Killua smirked. That brat..he knew what he was doing. 
He lightly pecked my lips
"Good night y/n, I love you" he said with a bright smile and hints of blush
My face contorted into one of a lobster "goodnight killua..I love you too" I said
Man, today has been both a blessing and a nightmare. I can't wait to get Tyler out of here so I won't have to worry about him.

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