First class!!

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(I GOTCHA GOOD HUH?  I love y'all too much to discontinue it)

We had all finally arrived at our first class but we had split up. 'Damn, where is English 500?' I mumbled. Y/n walked around for a bit, trying to find thier first class, eventually running into someone to ask for help
"Oh um excuse me" I said, walking up to a girl my age
She turned around and eyed me before looking at me "oh um, yes?" She said
"Do you know where class English 500 is? I asked
She shook her head "No I don't, sorry. It's also my first day" she sheepishly replied
My eyes widened as I realized this "oh sorry!" She said "I'm Aoi, nice to meet you!" She said "I'm y/n" I responded
"We'll Atleast we can be late together, yeah?" Aoi looked at me "yeah, I guess we can!" I replied

Some time passed and we eventually found the class and took a seat "ahem. Hello everyone. Welcome to Hunters academy. I am your English professor Donovan eliches." I sighed, what an odd name, he also kept looking at soo weirdly, don't tell me he's a pervert..

After that class was over I thankfully had the next class with killua and Aoi.
"Killua!" I said, running up to him
Killuas face brightend to see me "y/n!! I was starting to get worried" he said, smiling at you
"Hm? Who's that?" He said, gesturing to Aoi
"This is Aoi, she's someone I met this morning" I replied
Killua gave her a skeptical look, I mean I don't blame him, our last few female friends haven't had the best intentions
"Well okay." He said
I took at seat next to him, he grabbed my hand in a protective way
A small blush creeped on my face and I quickly hid it "what are you doing, idiot.." I mumbled "cmon y/n, we've done worse than this."
My face blushed all out as I desperately tried to hide it.

It was now the end of the day and everyone wanted to meet at a local diner to talk about our first day.
"Yo, gon!" Killua said as we walked in
"Killua!  There you guys are!" He said, holding Akis hand.
I smirked as Aki blushed violently, they are so cute
We sat down can killua put his arm on my shoulder, pressing me closer to him
"Welcome. What can I get started for you?" Our waitress said
"I'll have a coke." Killua said
"Same here" gon said
"I'll have a tea" Aki responded
"Ah um just a water please" I asked
"Alright I will be back with those orders" she said as she bowed at us
"So gon, how was your first day?" Killua said
"It was great! I met so many cool people!" He responded
"What about you, Aki?" He turned to Aki
"Me? It was boring as hell, I couldn't wait to leave.." she mumbled
I laughed "That's pretty accurate, I got lost and met this chick named Aoi. She's pretty nice" I said
"Aoi? I think I've heard of her. She was pretty popular at her old school" Aki said
"Popular huh? Hopefully this doesn't turn into an Ashley situation." Gon said
"Here are your drinks." She said as she came down
"Are you ready to order?" She asked
"Yeah, we're all gunna share the pepperoni pizza please!" Gon said
"One pepperoni pizza, coming up!" She said as the waitress walked away
"I'm so tired, I could totally use a nap.." Aki said
"Don't worry love! When we get back we can go to bed!" Gon said, bringing Aki in closer, makeing her blush violently
Out of the corner of my eye I saw killua looking at gon softly, yeah, that's pretty cute too.

After we got done with our meals we decided to head back to the dorm
"I'm so excited to sleep!" Aki said, running to her and Gons room
"Well that's my cue to go, goodnight guys!" Gon said
"Goodnight gon!" I replied, gon then ran up the stairs to see Aki
Killua then grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs "w-woah" I said
"Cmon, quit being cute. We got to sleep too" he said, bringing me to the bed.
I smiled softly at him as he grabbed me by my waist and held me

"Good night y/n, sleep well my love" he said rubbing my head

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