James the Brains

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Thomas the tank engine soon arrived at the Chrisi Downs Railway Station to drop off Aaron. "Thank you." He said. "It means a lot to me." "My pleasure." Said Thomas. "The sooner we get James some rehabilitation, the better." Then, they heard a whistle. James was coming down the line. He was looking rather tired. Then, he stopped. He looked at Thomas. Then he looked at Aaron. "Uh, James." Said Aaron. "I think it's now time to lay off the sweets for once." James looked at Aaron again. "James?" Thomas replied. "Are you evening listening?" "He's just looking at me." Said Aaron. Suddenly, his bag disappeared. "Hey!" He cried. James started consuming what was in Aaron's bag. Pixie sticks, Sour Straps, Sour Bombs and even Sour Candy Canes were in his mouth. "James!" Cried Thomas. "What are you doing???" "Yeah, you can't just take stuff without even having any hands!" Then, James' Eyes grew larger. Now he was high. He started to puff away. "James, stop!" Cried Aaron. "Where are you even heading off to!" "I'm going to the Lolly Shop to find MORE!" He chortled. Aaron was deeply shocked. "I've got to tell the boys!" He cried as he started sprinting out of the platform. "Well," said Thomas. "I wonder what Annie and Clarabel are up to." He chuffed away too. Aaron ran out of the railway station. When he saw Dozy the Ute driving towards him. "Honk Honk," Said Dozy. "Hop in, Aaron." Said Dumby. "We've got a train to stop." "Okay." Said Aaron. He clambered in. And Dozy drove away. James clickety-clacked along the Port Creek Bridge. He could see there was lots of Lava. James started to hallucinate. "Gaaaaah!" He shrieked. His wheels went faster and faster. He sped past the level crossing. And then he sped past the Raythelton Station. "Stop!" Cried his driver. "You don't know what you're doing!" Said his fireman. "Everything looks colourfully amazing!" Said James. He chuffed under a bridge. Then he continued speeding along the rails. Soon he approached the Glenville Railway Station. There was a Railcar idling beside the platform dropping passengers. The driver could see something. "Hey, Mark. Look at this." He said. "Huh? What's going on?" Asked the engineer. "There's a train coming towards the platform if you look closely enough." Said the driver. "Oh my god, it is to." Exclaimed the engineer. "Why is going so fast?" "I think we need to take cover." Said the driver. "What?" Said Mark. "Take cover!" He yelled. The passengers could also see what was going on. "Oh no." Said a man. "This is bad." Said a woman. "Nope. Screw this." Said another man. "I'm outta here." And he sprinted so fast until he went into the bus. The passengers ran away from what was going to happen. A crash! "Yeeeee Haaaaah!" James shouted. His Driver and Fireman jumped clear. They got up. But the fireman was hurt. "Ah!" He cried. "My ankles sprained! And I bruised a cut on my leg! You go on without me!" "No!" Said the driver. "I am not going to leave you behind! Now come on! We've to get out of this together!" The fireman climbed on the Drivers back. Then, they both saw the horror. James went so fast, he was about to crash right into the terminus platform. "Let's get out of here!" Said the driver as he started running with the fireman riding on his back. His wheels went fast. And then, it happened. KER SMASH CRUMBLE SLAM CRUNCH SMASH James had smashed through the terminus station. It lifted him up as he clanked his way down as his wheels left the rails. He was still moving. Rocks and rubble lay everywhere. The poor train didn't stand a chance. The driver dialed in a number on his phone. Then he started to make a call. Meanwhile, Dozy the Lazy Ute was driving along the Smellaphore Road. "Wow. Look at the beautiful river." Said Tim. "That's not important right now." Said Dumby. "Oh right." Said Tim. "This is all your fault. You know that?" Aaron said crossly to Tim. "I know." Said Tim sadly. "I should've never done it in the first place. Period." "Quite so." Said Aaron. "And as soon as we get James out of this sticky situation. You are going to tell the controller everything by the time we go back to the-" Suddenly, the boys all heard something. It grew louder and louder. There was James off the rails and approaching the road. His wheels rolled onto the surface. He looked battered and bruised. But he was still feeling cheery. He chuffed down the concrete road. "Oh no!" Said Dozy. "It's the Red Monster!" "We've got to stop him." Said Tim. "That's right." Said Aaron. "Well then, hold on to your seatbelts, boys." Said Dumby. "Because this is going to be a bumpy ride." He stepped on the gas pedal. And Dozy's back wheel drifted a screech. Dozy took off. He followed James going the opposite way. He raced past some cars and overtook some vehicles. He bumped into a few vehicles and nearly ran over a cyclist. Dozy followed. He was being cautious over his speed. "Hey! Watch it!" Said Bulgy. "Sorry." Said Dozy. James raced past the Military Road.  He was about to approach the Sweet Street Shop. The Lollipop man was just closing up shop. When he saw the situation. "What's the matter?" Asked Mr Scatterbrain. "Traaaaaain!" Cried the Lollipop man. "Oh, wait for me!" Said Mr Scatterbrain. James thundered along with his wheels dragging along the concrete. He was about head towards the shop. "Come to papa!" James shouted. He went fast, and soon the door opened. There was a big splintering crash. Shelves collapsed and Glass shattered, James crashed into the store as it rocked. Broken glass tinkled, and plaster was everywhere. It looked like a mess for sure. James' buzz finally went away. And boy he was in a lot of trouble. Dozy stopped at the impact. "What did I miss?" He said. "Breaking News!" Said Villager #4. "There has been a reckless accident at Sea at the Shore. A red steam train has rolled off the rails and crashed into a candy store. The wreckage had to be paid 290 Dollars worth of property damage. Villager #9 is on the scene." "Thank you, Villager #4. Number Nine said. "This is quite a shocking cause of action laws. The train had decided to leave the tracks and take the road instead. Which causes him to swerve and crash into the candy shop." "Ohhh," He sighed. "The children are going to be disappointed." The Lolly Manager was cross. And so was the Fat Controller. "You are such a miserable addictive engine!" Said the manager. "All of these sweets are for people. Not for those machines who have a buzz to kick in every now and then!" "That should be said so." Said the Fat Controller. "And as for you, James! I am not happy with you're incomperensible circumstances whether or not, that Sour Sanding makes you trip and hallucinate." "That is not okay, James." Said Aaron. "Yeah." Said Dumby. "You should be ashamed of yourself." "It's off to Rehabilitation for you, mate." Said Dustyz. James looked down at his buffers. He knew he was in for a special treat. "I'm sorry, James." Said Tim. "I didn't mean to do such a thing." "Well you should be." Said Aaron. "Now you're gonna sit there and watch James get taken to the Rehabilitation Clinic. "What?" Tim exclaimed. "Aaaah, I was just kidding." He said. "Come on," Said Dumby. "Let's get some Ice Cream." "Oh boy." Said Tim. "Salted Caramel is my favourite." "Mine too!" Said Dustyz. And so, The boys walked away for some Ice Cream. While James was hoisted up, and lifted onto a flatbed truck. Eventually, the passengers walked out of the situation. And they all safely rode to their destinations. [The crossing gates raised up and some vehicles started to move. The flatbed truck moved as well. And James was hitched in a ride. All the vehicles drove away. Even the flatbed truck.] A Few Days Later... [James was flapping his lips around with an arm. Which apparently turns out to be a Paramedic's arm. The Train Doctor Examined.]

Train Doctor: I'm afraid he'll have to stay for a couple of nights.

Edward: Are you sure.

Henry: If that's what it takes, it's to calm his nerves after all the sweets he's been eating.

Edward: Good point.

[Edward and Henry chuffs away. Leaving James in a Mental Breakdown]


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