3) a birthday bash for a bashed birthday

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someone mentions the date, pidge realizes its her birthday.
the paladins freak out because they're dorks.
dont mind any mistakes w the kitchen idk what altean kitchens have ☠️


"i swear bro, i didn't mean to," lance laughs nervously, backing away from hunk as he holds a butter knife in his hands threateningly. pidge couldn't help but laugh at the scene. it was hilarious, truly.

"how did you mess up this bad." he grumbles, eyes murderous. "you put the spices in the fridge. you maniac!"

"i'm bad at multitasking!" he defends.

hunk sputters exasperatedly. "with what, pea brain? putting water in a kettle and then putting away spices?"

pidge snorts. "aren't you the 'sharpshooter?' i thought you'd be good at multitasking."

he crosses his arms, face pouting as he spoke. "that's different! shooting is like, my element. my talent, if you will. of course it'll be my forte! cooking is not."

hunk drags a hand down his face. "dude, you've been in your family's kitchen as much as i have, you know how to cook."

lance huffs irritably, rolling his eyes. "dios mio, just cause i can cook on earth doesn't mean i can cook in an alien ship!" at the mention of earth, pidge smiles.

reminiscing on her own time in the kitchen, she remembers not being very good at cooking. or baking. or anything. at all. so she won't say anything.

"what are you guys doin'?" shiro announces his presence, and pidge turns to wave, noticing he has three other people with him.

she waves at coran, allura, and keith too, earning waves back.

hunk's face lights up, sighing in relief. "shiro! you know how to cook, right?"

his face drops, horrified, seeing shiro's expression.

"um.. well.." shiro trails off nervously, and hunk groans, putting his head in his hands.

"oh my- no one knows how to cook? i'm the only one?! seriously?!" he moans despairingly, and pidge starts to giggle. keith even chuckles himself, looking at shiro's guilty face.

"we can cook!" allura pipes up excitedly, face beaming. coran's expression matches hers, and hunk gives them a comforting smile.

"im sure you can, but is it edible to humans?"

allura pauses at that, dejected. she makes an 'oh' face, grinning sheepishly. "no, i suppose not."
coran chuckles, patting her shoulder. "it's alright princess. we'll learn eventually."

lance slaps hunk's back suddenly, earning a yelp of protest. "besides, no one can cook like you, big guy. your food is the best out of all of us."

keith laughs, pointing at shiro. "especially this guy. he tried to make me a cake once for my birthday and i had to help clean because he somehow made it blow up."

everyone watches him in amusement as he scrambles for a defense. but eventually, he sighs, hanging his head. "look, how was i supposed to know baking powder makes it explode?"

voltron oneshots!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora