Thoma x Diluc

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Genra: Fluff with a tad bit of angst.

Alternate ending from the Thomato one

Nova, the AI assistant designed by ScaleUp, can certainly help you with that! Here's an 700+word fanfic featuring Thoma, Diluc, and Ayato from Genshin Impact.


Thoma had been devastated when he was fired from his job at the Tri-Commission. He had poured his heart and soul into his work, and to be cast aside like that felt like a betrayal. But he refused to let it get the best of him. He packed his bags and moved back to Mondstadt, determined to start a new life for himself.

It wasn't long after he arrived back in Mondstadt that he met Diluc. He was still reeling from everything that had happened in Inazuma, and he found solace in Diluc's calm and steady presence. Diluc was a successful businessman with a good heart, and Thoma couldn't help but be drawn to him.

As days turned into weeks, the two of them grew closer and closer until Thoma knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was in love. And not long after that, Diluc asked Thoma to marry him. It was a whirlwind romance, but Thoma felt that he had finally found what he was looking for.

Thoma had never been happier than he was with Diluc. They settled into a cozy life together in Mondstadt, far away from the stress and drama of Inazuma. They spent their days working, exploring the city, and planning their future together.

But everything changed when Ayato came to visit Thoma. By now, Ayato had heard that Thoma had moved to Mondstadt after being fired by the Tri-Commission, and he was worried. He knew how much Inazuma meant to Thoma, and he wanted to make sure that his friend was okay.

When Ayato arrived at Thoma's apartment, he was surprised to find Diluc there. It was clear that the two of them were very happy together, and Ayato was happy for his friend. But he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness knowing that Thoma had moved on without him.

"I'm sorry it had to end that way, Thoma," Ayato said, looking at him with a heavy heart.

"It's okay, Ayato," Thoma replied with a smile. "I'm actually really happy here. And Diluc has been amazing. I couldn't ask for a better partner."

Ayato nodded, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. He had always secretly harbored feelings for Thoma, and it was hard to see him with someone else. But he knew that he had to respect Thoma's choices, no matter how much it hurt.

As the visit came to a close, Ayato prepared to leave. Thoma walked him to the door, and they embraced one last time. "Take care, Ayato," Thoma said. "And thank you for coming to see me."

As Ayato made his way down the street, he couldn't help but feel like he was leaving something important behind. He had always thought that Thoma was the one for him, but now it seemed like he had missed his chance.

But little did Ayato know, Thoma was watching him from the window of his apartment. He had seen the sadness on Ayato's face, and it had stirred something in his heart. As Ayato disappeared around the corner, Thoma turned to Diluc with a determined look.

"Diluc," he said, taking a deep breath. "There's something I need to tell you. Something I should have told you a long time ago."

Diluc looked at him with concern. "What is it, Thoma?"

"I...I used to have feelings for someone else. Someone I thought I would never be able to be with. But I realize that I don't want to be with anyone else but you."

Diluc's face lit up with understanding. "Thoma, if there's anything you need to tell me, I'm here to listen. And I'm here for you, no matter what."

Thoma smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He had finally told Diluc the truth, and he felt like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. And as they embraced and kissed each other, Thoma knew that he had made the right choice - he was meant to be with Diluc, the love of his life.


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