Chapter 5-1

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Yuqi's POV

I looked the signboard at the entrance to the famed forest Aokigahara. I could not understand what the words meant since it was only written in Japanese. "It just says to seek help if you are here to commit suicide." I heard a voice coming from behind me. Shocked, I turned around to see a man standing behind me with his hands in his pockets.

"I'm sorry if I startled you. Me and my friends, we are just here to camp in the forest and probably head to the other side and catch a glimpse of Mount Fuji. I'm Shoyo. Who are you?" Seeing the look of shock on my face, Shoyo tried to explain.

"Thank you for that, Shoyo. My name is Yuqi." I answered politely. He was here with many of his friends. I could count at least 10. They have a big friend group. I thought to myself. I thanked Shoyo and headed into the forest. I came to the forest to find ideas, inspiration. I had not been able to write any lyrics for my songs for a few months now and my friends referred me here. I never knew that it was a suicide spot. I just thought that the name, Aokigahara, also known as the Sea of Trees, sounded nice and lovely. 

I slowly trekked my way, making my way to the heart of the forest. I set off a little late into the afternoon so after 1 hour or so, I set my bags down in a clearing. I wanted to stay the night so I could be closer to nature. I would explore the caves the next day. I heard that the caves were a mystical place. 

I placed my bag down against a log. It was very heavy. I took out my tent and proceeded to set it up. Light was scarce in the part of the forest that I was in. I took out my torch and worked my way around the strings. After a little bit of struggle, I managed to set up my tent. I moved my bag into the tent as I took out my cooking materials. 

I found some pieces of wood that was dry enough so I set up a small campfire. I sat on my small chair as I waited for my food to cook. When I was done, I extinguish the flames and walked into my tent.

After a while, I could hear chatter and footsteps getting nearer. I was afraid of something happening so I took an army knife, a piece of string and my torch and hid behind a tree.

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