2. Who is she??🥺

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Namjoon's  POV:-

"Namjoonshii  Namjoonahhh Namjoonahhhhhh!!!" ...

I woke up as I heard Hobi's voice .

"Huh !! Hobaa ??? What you doing here???

" Well I'm the one who should ask this question!! Why are you still in the studio?? Don't tell me last night you slept here in the studio??? Jin Hyung was so angry in the morning coz you weren't in the dorm !!

" Well Hobi Hyung ! I didn't meant to sleep in the studio but I was working on the our new songs and-

" - And you slept here !! Right??

"Y-Yes Hyung !"..

" Yaaahhh !! Namjoonahhh look at yourself  ..you look so pale ... you're tired as hell... you haven't slept for the last 5 nights...this is not good ... you should take care of your self !!.

" I know Hobaa but I've completed these songs we have a dead line you know that".

" Ahh Namjoonaaa but that doesn't mean you've to work like a machine ! You too need rest ! If you won't take any rest how will you be able to complete these songs before the deadline".

" You're right Hobaa but to be honest right now I don't have anything in my mind.. I don't  know how will I be able to complete these songs.... I dont know what to do !!!".

*Suddenly we heard a knock on my studio door ... as I open the door we saw Jimin standing in the dance practice outfit.*

" Namjoon hyung!! We...... ohhh Hobiee Hyung you're here too... that's great !!..."

"Jiminaah what are you doing here?? You need any help" Hobie asked

" Aani hyung I'm just here to call you guys ! we've to gather in the practice room in the next 10 minutes for the dance practice".

" Oh I literally forgot about the dance practice that we have today" I didn't even washed up my self " Ahhh Namjoonaaa  how can you forget this " ahhh...

" Jiminaa ! Namjoon is skipping todays practice session!!" Hobiii said

" Huh ?" jimin was confused.

" Huhhh!! Hyung I wasn't giving excuses I won't skip our practice session don't worry ".

" Namjoonnaa paboo ! I know you are not giving any excuses ! You need to rest so you are skipping today's practice session and that's final".

" Ohh namjoon hyung are you okiee?? Did something happend to you??"

" Jiminaa take it easy.. I'm fine and I'm doing well nothing happened to me " Namjoon said .

"Jiminaah you go and catch up with other members I'll be there in 5 minutes" Hobie said".

" Ohh okiee hyung !!!and namjoon hyung take care of your self " Jimin replied
" okiee jimin thank you" .

" Namjoonaa we'll talk about it later ! Right now you just go home and take rest and don't worry about the practise ! We got your back ".

*I thought for a min like Hobaa is right I think I should take rest today may be it'll help me to concentrate next day *

"okiee hobiee hyung i think you're right I shoud go home and take rest, byee "
"Byee namjoonaa".

* After a warm goodbye I left the office to go to my home .... I asked my driver to drop me at the cafe near my house as I was hungry . This park near the cafe is my favourite .. I used to visit here on daily basis ! It's been almost a week since I visited this park .... it's a small but beautiful and cosy park with less number of people ! I don't know why people prefer big parks with crowds insted of these cosy ones! But it's good for me less no of people less chances of caught in the eyes of others .. i can have my time here ....about a year ago I met a white cat here. she was so cute she used to follow me where ever I go in this park .. soon we became good friends but few months ago after giving birth to her 5 babies she passed away ....I felt like I lost my close friend she was so close to me.. but soon I realise that someone need to take care of her babies otherwise they've to suffer alot !! Since then I have come here on a daily basis to feed them and spend some time with them... as I entered the park I went to our usual place where I always meet them.....as soon as they heard someone's foot steps one of them came out and start meowing and in a min others also came out..... they are soo cute.. .. I sat there and start talking to them.... its been 3 months and still I haven't gave any names to them so I just call them babiess ... I didnt even realise the time and its been 1 hour already ...

" Heyy cute babiess!! I think now I've to go! I'll see you guys tomorrow ..okiee till then dont fight with eachother okiee .... I love you..".

*And in reply they all started meowing together...awee I love them...*

* As I turned to go back ... I saw a familiar figure sitting on her usual bench with her coffee and laptop .. I always eager to get to know who she is ! She is definately neither Korean nor American...she has this different aura..

she has this different aura

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Who is she??


Hiee everyone!! Jv this side....hope you liked the  ch2  .....idk like you might feel like it's a boring one but ....next chapters will be fun to read 🫂...

And do tell me what you think abt the story...

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