Two fireflies in the Fire kingdom

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When Varian caught a glimpse of the charming island capital of Corona on the horizon, he wished that the journey across the main bridge would be longer than usual. It was as if he wanted to cling to his comfortable life in the kingdom for just one more minute. It wasn't that his determination wavered or that doubts clouded his decision to leave that same night, but he knew that freedom came at a high cost. Once he arrived at the citadel, he would have to bid farewell to the colorful streets and friendly faces of the townspeople. He would also have to say goodbye to his friends and soon after, leave his father behind to face the world alone without any idea of where his own steps would lead him. Anxiety is just the vertigo that freedom brings, knowing that our decisions can change our lives forever. It's the same vertigo we feel when we look down into an abyss before taking the leap.

"Varian, it's okay to feel overwhelmed. You don't have to leave so soon if you don't feel ready," said Quirin in a sympathetic tone, noticing how lost in thought his son was.

"I have to do it. I never realized how many questions I have about myself, and now I can't just ignore them. I owe it to myself," replied Varian.

Quirin lapsed into silence, grappling with the weight of his own guilt. He knew that he owed Varian the truth, that he had deliberately hidden the existence of his own mother's diary from him out of fear and had denied any knowledge of her for years. They were honorable mistakes, but even honorable mistakes have consequences and should be rectified. Despite how difficult it was for him to let Varian go, he respected his decision to seek the answers that he couldn't provide.

He offered to drive Varian to the capital in his old cart as an excuse to spend a couple of hours together before he had to leave to who knows where and for how long. Varian saw it as a sign of his father's support.

People greeted them on the way, the alleys smelled of freshly baked bread, and the birds bathed peacefully in the fountain of the main square. Corona sometimes had the virtue of seeming like a romantic fairy tale. The castle stood imposing before them and Quirin promised to look for him later to take him to the walls that separated the kingdom from the outside world. The alchemist was well received by the guards and was able to enter the throne room without major inconveniences, although, as expected, the princess was not there. Her singing could be heard from her studio, cheerful and dreamy as always. When the alchemist peeked into the room, he could see her. She was painting on a large canvas with vibrant colors and many decorations, completely engrossed in her work. The passion with which Rapunzel worked on all her creations was touching. The moment she noticed Varian's presence, she startled and left everything she was doing to greet him. She was glad that he already looked better than the day before.

"To tell you the truth, I didn't think Eugene was right, but look at you. I haven't seen you so lively in a long time," said the princess with a smile, almost immediately noticing Varian's positive change.

"I had a little more help than just Eugene's advice, to be honest."

"Are you here to talk about your new ideas?"

"Actually...I came to say goodbye," Varian said shyly, and the serene expression on the princess's face was replaced by anguished surprise.

"You're leaving Corona? Why? I didn't think the problem required such drastic measures."

"I'm just leaving for a while. There are things I've just discovered that change everything. I have many questions and the answers are not here," said Varian, holding his mother's diary firmly in his hands.

Eugene, as usual, entered the room loudly, laughing and completely distracted.

"Raps, you have to see this, Lance stuck his head in..." said Eugene, but stopped short when he saw the princess's expression so sad it was almost comical. He recoiled for a moment, looking a bit intimidated by the scene. "What's going on here? What's the tragedy? Why am I always the last one to know everything?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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