The perfect family ( reality )

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Hello cuties so here is the second part . Obviously i m a new writer so it's impossible to reach many readers at first attempt but for sure i will try my best to make this story interesting . So for the other parts stay tuned ~~

( Brilina was so sad that she didn't gone straight home she stop by a park and sat on a bench she was crying and sobing )

~ suddenly someone came and putted a cap on her head . She didn't able to see him coz she is crying all covering her eyes

That person : just don't cry it is not good for your health.

( Then she opened her eyes wipe her tears and try to see the person no one was there )

Brilina : he was just smelling like heaven . I think he was an angel .
( She wiped her all tears and gone home )

In her room

Brilina keeping that cap in her drawer very safely and gently and looking at that very generously

Brilina : whoever that person was i am grateful to them and i want to see that person so that i can thank them

Mom : brilina ! Come here now
Brilina : yeah mom what's the matter
Mom : what you think of me a maid ? Who works for you daily and you sit like a queen
Brilina : but mom ...
Mom : whatever if you want to live in this house you have to work

( After doing home chores )

In her room

(Brilina holding on a pillow tightly and hugging it ): it's hard , it's too hard the life is too unfair it's not though easy

Mom : brilina! Have your dinner
Brilina : i m not feeling to have
Mom to dad : see i just made her do some chores of home and how she is making it a drama what i do i can't deal with your kids
Dad to me : brilina come here !
Brilina : yes dad ?
Dad : why you do drama all the time and make your mom so tired . Can't you just do home chores on your own we have to always tell you to do them . If you wanna live in this house you have to do work why are you such a selfish. If you can't do work just get out of this house you are such a ungrateful and selfish child . It's your duty to do the home chores or otherwise why are you here in this house ?
Brilina started crying
Dad : see now show me like you are the innocent one we are the one who mock you always
Brilina: enough dad what i did ?? Just tell me what i did wrong ? I m just not feeling to have dinner so i said so what's wrong with it ? Did i m not allowed to choose to have my meal or not . Are you gonna choose that also ??
Dad : you arrogant brat just go to your room . You are not worthy to waste my time just get lost from here . With this attitude of yours and arrogance no one's gonna love you . You can't be anyone's partner just go

Brilina in her room

Brilina (holding onto the pillow so tight) : why is life this way ?? Why ?i just don't like it it's like too hurting , it hurts me everytime . Everything bout life is just so stressful and hurtful. No one loves me in this world nor the boy i love neither my parents they only expect from me but never give me the love i need

And then brilina fell asleep crying

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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