• C H A P T E R - 10 •

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Meerab's pov

I wish I hadn't run away from marriage, I'd spend my life with you then. 

His words rang in my head. Still there was some good ten minutes to the bus to start. I sat there wondering, what he wanted to say. Does he feel the same as me or just that I'm hallucinating. I never thought I'd fall in love like this, I always wanted to experience love, being in love and felt being loved. I wanted to marry a person with whom I fall in love. I hadn't think before running away from my marriage because I knew I didn't love Murtasim back there but now the situation is different who thought that I'd fall for the same guy who was supposed to be my husband after marriage. 

Love if anyone ask how would you define it. Well it depends on your perception, everyone thinks other way. I keep falling in love with him and each time is harder than the last. Every time the feeling gets deeper, more complete, more bewitching. Don't ever think he has to ask for my affection because he doesn't, and he never did in past two days. The more my feelings for him the more I have bursting inside of me... crazy, huh?

Were we ever strangers? I'm not sure we were. That night we crossed, there was something even then, though I didn't know what. I always felt comfortable, wonder if there's an element of time that allows me to feel a strong love, like an orange glow bursting over a dark horizon. It was light for my eyes only. It was the dawn of the person I am today, the person I was destined to be. I would give up anything in the world for him. It was like being let into the warmth after a lifetime of winter. I could never wish to go back to even a day before that. He is the greatest treasure of my life, the one, the only one. A smile, broad one plaster across my face. My face glowed. 

"Look like you dearly love someone dear!" My inner trance broke and I looked to the source, I saw a fine old lady with grey hairs smiling at me.

"Ummm no..it's nothing like that!" She looked in different direction. 

"I have seen peoples from ages. I can say that you're in love dear. I can see that warmth radiating from your eyes. Those eyes can't lie to me."

"Yes I love him! Now we are going in different directions. I don't know what to do!" 

"Ohh dear why don't you go and confess. That'll never cause a problem."

"What if he doesn't feel the same for me, what if our friendship too break?" The lady smiled and calmly said.

"It's better than the regret you'll feel later that why didn't you confess your feelings to him the day itself. Life not always gives second chance to us, it just on you how will you precieve the moment and grab the opportunity. You shouldn't make it delay, you know if this opportunity you miss then you might not get another chance. So just go and share what you feel for him." 

"But the bus is going to start." 

"You can catch the bus later too but if he goes them you won't be able to catch him. So just run." Meerab looked at the lady and then think for sometime and give lady a kiss on her right cheek. "Thank you so much. I know what to do now." She ran and just ran.

Murtasim was standing supported by a tree, deep in thoughts. He hears the bus horn and a silent tear escaped from his eye. She was gone.

"Murtasim!" He opened his eyes, only if he was not miscalculating it was her voice but she left!

"Murtasim!" This time the sound calm and soft. He turned back to see her there with her evergreen charming smile, he was about to interrogate her but her words made him stop. She holds his hand in hers.

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