Chapter 5- the disused ICT block

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Eventually we are stood outside the disused building that houses the old ICT block. The building hasn't been in use the whole time I've been at the school. Which is around about 6 years. Gemma pulls me inside the building and we're gulped in darkness. I feel her hand on my wrist. "Gemma? Why is it so dark?" I say. In the darkness I can just make out her smile. "Because I forgot where the switch is" she says. I pull my phone out my pocket and turn the torch on. I then see the switch and go and turn on the lights. "Fucking hell that's bright" I mummer when the light flickers on. Gemma then smiles. "That probably would've been smarter to do than try and find it in the dark" she says. I nod my head whilst smiling at her. "You ever been in here before?" I ask Gemma. She shakes her head. "Nah james says that people use it to smoke and shit" she says.

"Wait so why are we here?" I ask her. She smiles. "Oh you know shits and giggles" she says. She turns on her heel and walks through the corridor. I raise my eyebrow. "Shits and giggles okay" I mummer. I start to run to catch up with Gemma. Eventually I lose her. "Hey Gemma? Where are you?" I say. I hear the sound of running up the stairs to the second. "Fuck sake" I mummer. I start to walk up the stairs. "Maybe I'll just tell Jack where you are!" I say. I hear a door open. "I SWEAR TO FUCK IF YOU DO THAT ALEX" Gemma shouts down the stairs. I quietly rush up the stairs and jump out at her. "BOO" I shout. She shrikes and falls over. "Fuck you alex" she says. I smile and wink at her. "Well if you insist" I say. She raises an eyebrow at me. "Really Alex" she says with a sigh. I chuckle. That's when the moments broken by the door opening. "ALRIGHT OUT" we hear a teacher shout. Me and Gemma share a concerned look. "OUT! NOW!" The teacher shouts. I look at Gemma. "Shit what should we do" I whisper. Gemma grabs my wrist and opens a cupboard. She then pulls me in to it and shuts the door. Turning the lock as well. "Shush" she whispers. I can feel her body presses against mine in the tiny space.

We listen as the teacher wonders around the ict block looking for us. "Bloody kids" they exclaim. There footsteps disappear as they get back towards the door. Suddenly the room turns pitch black. "Shit" I mutter. I feel a finger on my lips eventually I feel something different touch my lips. That's when I realise. Holy shit Gemma is kissing me. Eventually she pulls away. "Oh shit" she mummers. We awkwardly leave the disused ICT block and go our Separate ways.

On my way home I bump into James and Gemma. When she sees me her face turns red. I can feel my own cheeks burning. "You want a lift Alex?" James says. Oblivious to what's going on between me and Gemma. "Uhhh uhhh nah uh nah I'm good I'll walk see you guys tomorrow" I say. I start to walk home. "Fuck, fuckity fuck fuck" I mummer. As I turn into my road I feel my phone vibrate. I pull it out my pocket.

James- so what was that earlier
Alex- what do you mean
James- mother fucker I ain't stupid I saw the look's between you and Gemma
Alex- she kissed me. In a cupboard in the pitch black in the disused ICT block
James- fuck off really
Alex- yes really otherwise I wouldn't say it
James- fucking hell
Alex- meet me at mine in an hour
James- yeah sure

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