Chapter Eighteen: K-BBQ and an Awkward Dinner

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~{Mr. Kim's 24hr K-BBQ and Bar: Midnight]~

Luz's P.O.V



I downed my chilled mug of peach non-alcoholic soju and with a loud cheer from everyone, the dinner party started.

My stomach was growling as Mr. Kim and the waiters started to bring out the massive plates of different cuts of meats, side dishes, vegetables, and sauces to everyone's tables. My mouth couldn't stop watering as I see all the sirloin, ribeye, and brisket beef strips but what I couldn't wait to eat was my favorite level-five spicy beef short ribs and my three plates of spicy and cheesy tteokbokki.

"U-Um Luz?" Amity asked a bit overwhelmed as the table she and her family and friends shared was filled to the brim with so many different types of food they'd never seen before," Why are they bringing us raw meat and why is there so much of it to feed a small school?!"

I couldn't help but laugh a bit as Lee and Antonio started grilling the meat for everyone," This is actually for all of us, the restaurant we are at is a Korean Barbeque establishment and one of the best in my opinion in the city! You order what you want to eat on the menu, press the button on the table for the waiter, they take your order, and bring you the food and they grill to your heart's content!"

Lee called out my name and I quickly brought up my plate for him to pile on the extra spicy and normal grilled meat and veggies onto my plate, before getting everyone else's.

"Hey! How come you get  your meat first?" Hunter says as he grills his meat carefully.

"Hunter this is level-five spicy and there is a reason why my siblings cook this first," I said while I stuff my face with my deliciously spicy dinner.

"Hah! It can't be that spicy." He says in a challenging manner and takes a small strip of level-five spicy, but before I or my siblings could stop him. He ate it and crossed his arms, giving me a smug triumph smirk.  

"See, it's not that...ha...haaah. HAAAAAHHH HOLY TITAN WHAT IS THIS MADE OF!!?!! TITAN REAPERS!??!?!" Hunter cries out in pure pain as he fans his burning mouth and rapidly turning red face.

I, along with my siblings, Amity, and others, was laughing at Hunter's predicament while my mom gives him some peach juice to help cool him down.

"I did warn him," I said as I happily ate my long-awaited tteokbokki, humming happily at the tasty yet spicy chewy rice cakes and my massive plate of meat. 

'I have died and entered delicious heaven!!!~' 

So for the two hours, we all enjoyed amazing food, and drinks, and laughed at some of the technicians getting too drunk and singing Taylor Swift on the Karaoke machine that Mr. Kim has to rent out for massive parties. We all were having an absolute blast and it was all worth it.

But as I was about to dive into my third round of meat, I saw through the corner of my eye that Amity was picking at her grilled meat a bit absentmindedly as if she really wasn't there. She had a small frown on her face and for most of the night she was happily talking to the group and my siblings and with me but as we all were starting to settle down. I can tell something was weighing on her heavily and I could piece together exactly what it is.

So while everyone else was chatting and not paying us any mind, I gently reached over and held her hand. She snapped out of thought startled, but then relaxed when she saw it was only just me.

"Hermosa, are you okay?" 

Amity looked at me for a moment then looked back down at her food as she took her hand out of mine," Why?"

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