Open House and Oni Revealed Pt. 2

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~{Campus Cross: 9 AM}~

3rd P.O.V

Students from all over the Northeast and around the country and parts of the world were gathered here to get a small glimpse of what their future college life could be, but if you were to look closer. There was some underline tension in the air and was around a certain group of students and faculty. 

Principal Hal and Vice principal Stone were seat with their group of students towards the way back of the audience. They have not gotten much sleep the last couple of days thanks to the investigation, the court hearings, and so much backlash from the superintendent and the school board. Neither of them wanted to come to this public event but this was the first time in a decade that Gravesfield High had received an invitation to this event. They did not need any more negativity so they proposed to take the children to New Haven as a field trip and a way for them to get all of this out of their minds for a day.

The students weren't fairing any better than the adults. When it came clean about what Xavior and his friends did to Luz. It opened up a massive can of worms that no one could deny any longer and majority of the parents were horrified to hear what their children have done to the girl. Some were going to move away and try to start somewhere new, others were being sent away to camps or strict relatives once summer hits, and the others were being ground for the indefinite future.

Everyone needed something, anything, that could lighten up the mode but there was one group who everyone was blaming the most for everything that was going one.

Claire, the head cheerleader, and her clique were sitting directly in the back of all the students, but instead of the group chatting and fooling around like they always did during trips. They were quiet and trying their best to not draw attention to them.

The group was under heavy fire from all the evidence that was shown during the court case and many children they had bullied whistled blown to the media, but not as bad as Claire when Xavior announced to the whole country why he had bullied the poor girl. Her clique and some of the football team who were actually fairly chill knew her secret crush on Luz. She would gush about how cute Luz was, how creative she was during art, and the small moments she would catch her crush sing. Her friends swear she was completely lovestruck and practically swooning over the Latina. 

But when she finally had the courage to confess her feelings to her, Xavior came into their lives and everything completely changed.

Claire was still degrading herself for her part in everything with Luz's bullying and not trying to help her, but whenever she tried and Xavior heard what she was doing. He would threatened to destroy her social life and turn everyone against her.

'That doesn't matter now as I lost my chance...' She angrily thought to herself when she remembered catching Luz with her beautiful girlfriend the day she came back to school. 

Her heart ached horribly when she saw just how happy and carefree Luz was around the lavender colored hair girl. The way her eyes shined, the tender look on her face whenever she looked at her girlfriend, and they way they moved together. It was just too much for her, but she knew. She knew that it was her own fault for never acting on her feelings and now someone else was living the dream she yearned for for year.

"Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls!!!"

Everyone snapped into attention and looked turned towards the podium. There standing in his presidential regalia with an aura that demanded respect, President Okula smiled towards this year's biggest group of hopeful futures. It was no surprise that this man demanded respect as he, at the age of forty, was made the youngest president of Yale's history after finishing his around the world tour with his former orchestra. Everyone in the music world knew of the name of Okula Ongaku as he was the once of generation prodigy of his generation. 

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