the departure

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. The sound is annoying cuz it beeps so loud. As I wake up I noticed that it is early because the sun has just really risen and the sky is the perfect shade of pink. I then hear my phone go off a little ping of course that means we have a case. I then get ready for the day and head out. When I get to work I noticed that everybody is already in the briefing room. When I get into the briefing room I know this that there's a picture of Tiffany Hudson on the screen. "Why is there a picture of Tiffany Hudson on the screen"I asked."how do you know that this is Tiffany Hudson" asked JJ "because my hometown is horseshoe Bay and Tiffany is married to Ryan Hudson he is the son of a rich father it's kind of a douche though" I said. "Well at 7:00 p.m. at night on a Wednesday the body of Tiffany Hudson was found by her car in front of the horseshoes bays very own seafood restaurant the people that found it were one Nancy Drew, Ned nickerson, Bess Marvin, George fayne, and Ace her co-workers what we know from the crime is that she made a 911 call right before she died say that someone was out there of course we couldn't find any evidence of that" said Penelope."why do I find it not surprising that we are hired to solve the Hudson problem and that the problem is the death of Ryan Hudson's wife Danny expect Ryan at the beginning you should be the first suspect he had an affair with one of my high school friends George she was 17 at the time like why would you do that I don't know what it might be motive for him to  kill his wife she could be with George again" I said "okay Natalie don't be too quick to judge we don't know the whole story but we have a case to put your personal feelings aside in let's do this Will's up and 10 pack your bags and get ready to go to horseshoe Bay Maine" said hotch. So after we departed from the meeting and then go grab my keys for my desk so I recycle that's in a hanger at the airport now horseshoe Bay and I grab my to go back and head to the plane.

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