the reunion

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After a long drive from the airport. I finally get to horseshoe Bay and of course the streets are empty which is unusual. Most people are shopping around during the time. But I find no one. I head over to my dad's house so I can put myself there just one small bag when I get there. I grabbed my keys and open the door. Does that answer the house I see a bunch of memories pass by. One's of me and Nancy fighting over toast. Or the time that I fell down the stairs and got that scar on my knee and I landed on some broken glass. Or that time that I opened my application for my job and found out that I got the job. The memory of me packing up my bags and saying goodbye to my dad my mom and my sister.

I head up the staircase to my room which is just the right of Nancy's as I open the door I find out my room is still the same. Even to the stars that are on the ceiling of me and Nancy both did to our rooms. Put my stuff in my room then I head over to Nancy's room. I'm knock on the door and wait. No one answers. So I open the door and find that Nancy's not there. Where is she? I best head over to the claw to get some food I've heard that it's the best place to eat.

And then get on my bike and head over to the clock and then park my bike by the car and get off. Walking up the steps and hesitate for a second I need what am I going to eat. Maybe just a salad. And then open the door and walk in. They walk in All eyes land on me. I then see that there is a table open I then go and sit at it. I wait for one of the waitresses to come. After a little while a girl with brown hair really tall comes and talks to me.

"Welcome to the claw my name is Bess what can I get for you" said Bess. " I'll get a salad please and thank you. By any chance have you seen the Drew's around I've been looking for them I need to talk to them." I said.  "Yes I do I know where Nancy is let me let me go get her real fast can I ask why you need to talk to her." Asked Bess. "Tell her an old family friend wants to talk to her after all I haven't seen her since she was in high school after all I've been in Washington all this time I'm texting is Quantico but who's counting" I said.  " Okay I'll go find Nancy and get her to come over here to talk to you family friend huh. So what's your name exactly so I can tell her." Asked Bess. "Well I'm not really going to tell you just tell her an FBI agent wants to speak to her special agent of the FBI wants to speak to her." I said.

Bess then left the table to go fetch my sister of course he doesn't know that I'm her sister all she knows is that I'm a  FBI agent and that I need to speak to Nancy. I wonder how she react to see me after the years or not knowing if I was okay or not.

As I wait for Nancy I look up and take a look around at the claw. I still have the same charm as it did from the photos that I saw. And noticed a girl a tall girl with red hair that looks kind of familiar but I can't place her coming towards my table.

"Hi I'm Nancy Drew you wanted to speak to me. I'm going to need you to see your credentials first before anything. But I don't know if that off. Could you look really familiar to me do we know each other?" Asked Nancy.  "We do I don't believe you don't recognize me after all we lived with each other for years. Nancy I am home come get your twin sister a hug I've missed you. I have so many questions." I said

Right after I said that Nancy then gave me a really tight hug like a bear hug. " I can't believe you're here it's been ages since I've seen you you look so grown up." Said Nancy
" I'm sorry that I haven't called or kept in contact . I've been busy with work. You have grown too. You seem a little bit more mature the last time I saw you. But who I'm kidding you're always be the bigger sister. After all. You're at least 3 minutes older. Do they know that you're a twin the people that you work with you. Cuz I have a feeling that they don't. Do you want to scare them like old times." I asked

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