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List of Past and Present Rulers:

Past rulers

The Forgotten rulers. The first ruler still resembled their SeaWing brethren, and was rumored to have magical abilities. He passed from old age, and records of him and other past rulers are practically nonexistent. The only thing keeping their memories alive is a beautiful mural that had been enchanted to continually add on historical events after a ruler passes. No one is allowed to visit it, and the only people that know about it are the current ruler and their most trusted advisor.

King Abyssus. A well beloved king who did everything he could to better his subject's lives. The ones who still remember him do so fondly, and he stepped down to allow his dragonet to take the throne without a fight.

Present rulers

Regent Nereid. They took the throne after their father handed it to them, and they often wonder if they're doing the right thing. They more or less stayed out of the 20 year war, only allowing resources and healers to be sent to Queen Coral and her allies. They attended the meeting of the Queens, and they were the first reported ScaldWing to venture onto land since the Scalding.

Historical Figures of Species: The old One was the founder of their tribe. Not much is known of him, but he is held in high regard nonetheless.

Historical Wars and Moments:

The Scalding. A movement caused by The Old one in an attempt to seize the throne. He and his followers failed, and all were banned from the SeaWing kingdom.

The Great Move. The Old ScaldWings traversed across the continent for quite a while, before abandoning it all together and traversing into the ocean. They traveled far and deep, eventually settling down in The Leviathan's Maw and building their empire.

The Outreach. An attempt made to contact the old SeaWing tribe made by King Abyssus. Queen Coral, while shocked at the discovery of a new tribe, tentatively accepted an alliance. Once she discovered that none of the ScaldWings knew how to read or write proper dragon, she immediately began sending her waterproof scrolls and ink to them in exchange for their resources.


Haven’t Met:💧

MudWings: 💧
SkyWings: 💧
SeaWings: 🌈
RainWings: 💧
IceWings: 💧

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