•°|Welcome Home, New Neighbor|°•

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??:?? ??

Muffled voices surround you. Your head screams at you in pain, and your vision is still coming in. Everything is unclear, but someone appears to be talking to you.

"-----? --- --- ----?"

You can't understand what they're trying to say, all you can make out is that they're asking you some sort of question. You have many questions yourself, like why you're laying on the floor surrounded by people, did you pass out? How embarrassing if you did. You try to recall what happened before you woke up, but you can't really seem to remember a thing. No, really, you can't remember anything. You don't even remember your own name, how horrifying!

"Ah geez, they're completely unresponsive!"

"Hmph, i'd imagine if they're laying on the ground like that. I'd have to be caught dead to be seen in such a position."

"Shh! Not helping!"

At least the voices are becoming clear now, who are these people? Who are you, even?

"Look! They're moving!"

"Yayy, they're alive!"

You attempt to sit up but every part of your body screams at you not to. Their faces are starting to become clearer to you, but they're still completely unfamiliar.
Someone from the crowd approaches you, moving people out of the way to clear the path.

"Excuse me, sorry... Hello."

The person stops next to you and crouches down, to better communicate with you, I guess.

"Hello... My name is Wally. Wally Darling... Nice to meet you."

Wally reaches out a hand and offers it to you. You take their hand and they help you sit up.

"What's your name, friend?"


You find that you cannot speak, possibly due to some form trauma you experienced, or maybe just to save yourself from those cringe 'Y/N' voice lines that appear in every one of these stories. The ones that don't fit you whatsoever and are always saying something stupid.
More authors should implement this.
Though that doesn't mean you won't make some stupid choices in this fanfic, otherwise it wouldn't be fun. It is a fanfic, after all.

"...Not much of a speaker, are you."

You take a moment before you nod, confirming their belief that you are in fact, not much of a speaker.

"...Ah. Well, that's okay, I'm sure we can find some other way of communicating, friend. Do you remember how you got here?"

You shake your head. They look concerned, as best they can with their unmoving smile.

"Well, we found you here lying in middle of the road, and tried our best to wake you up. Or, more specifically, Eddie found you while completing his mail route..."

Wally points back to Eddie, the person wearing the mail uniform.
Eddie waves meekly and smiles, how nice.

"Eddie went and got help... And now we're here. Don't worry though, you're safe with us, friend."

Wally's smile seemed to become warmer, if that's even possible.

You look around to see yourself in middle of a small neighborhood, it's bright and sunny out, perfect weather to add to this small town's charm. It's almost uncanny how cheerful this place seems, a tight-knit community that looks out for each other. And others, you guess.

"You got anywhere else to be?"

Wally asks.

You hesitate for a moment, and then shake your head. You don't have anywhere else to be, at least that you know of.

Wally chuckles, and then says;

"Well then, let's get you somewhere to stay..."

"...Welcome home, new neighbor."


Word count: 569
Time completed: like 12 am lol

Authors Note

Sorry for the short chapter, this is more like a prologue than anything. I know I didn't get around to all the characters but I'm kind of eepy lol. But don't worry, more will be coming soon. I'm not expecting many people to read this at first though, so you'll probably be fine. Assuming you're there, that is.
Anyways I'm gonna conclude the chapter here, goodnight ya'll, peace out.

-Nobody Knows

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