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Sometime Mid-Afternoon...

You and Wally are walking with each other, hand in hand with Wally walking in front of you, leading you somewhere. You're not quite sure where they're taking you, but you don't seem to have a choice to be anywhere else. They're still holding your hand from earlier, which is strange but what do you know. You haven't said anything about it because you don't think it's weird.

Just then, Wally stops in their tracks and you bump into them.


You look at them, confused as to why they stopped.

"...Stay here. I have to go... Do something..."

Wally walks ahead of you and you stay where you are.

A few minutes pass and he returns, somehow, smiling bigger then before.

"Well, good news Neighbor..."

You look at him confused, again.

"You can stay with me... Until we can get you settled into a new house."

They smile at you, (or, more than they already were), and grab your hand once again to lead you.

You follow them until you both eventually stop in front of a house.


The door opens and Wally motions for you to come inside.
You stand there for a second, feeling hesitant to follow a stranger inside a place you've never seen before, but then you decide to put those feelings aside and follow them in anyways.

The interior shows a dimly lit living room, with a brightly lit kitchen and some doors leading to what is presumably a bedroom and a bathroom. Then there are some stairs leading up to an attic.

"Please... Make yourself at Home..."

You sit down on the couch and look closer at your surroundings.
The living room has a colorful, vertical rainbow stripe patterned wallpaper, while the kitchen just has a baby blue wallpaper. Across the living room, several paintings and portraits can be seen. Many featuring your 'new friend', Wally, but some also feature what appear to be Wally's friends. One catches your eye in particular, though, one featuring Wally and a big blue dog.

"Ah... I see a painting of me and my friend Barnaby has caught your attention..."

They smile, as they sit down next to you.

You look at them, with no particular expression, but it still sends across a message.

"You don't remember Barnaby? He was there when you woke up a little while ago..."

You shake your head, you didn't quite catch a glimpse of everyone there.

"...Everyone in our little neighborhood came to see you when they heard a new neighbor dropped in... Unconscious, at that, so many of them came hoping to help."

You continue looking at Wally. They seem adamant upon the fact that you're, 'the new neighbor', but you still aren't sure that you want to stay here for a prolonged period of time. You're more concerned with regaining your lost memories, that you know for a fact are there.
It's not like you can just spawn out of existence, just like that. There's obviously something you're missing here.

"...I was the last to be notified. Barnaby came running in telling me that someone new was lying unconscious somewhere in the neighborhood."

Wally pauses for a moment. You look at them with concern, did something bad happen while you were out?

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