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10:00 PM

You wake up in the middle of the night to whispers coming from somewhere inside of the house. You sit up groan, stretching as you do so.
You look next to you to find out that Wally isn't sleeping next to you, weird.
You get up from the bed and take a look at your surroundings, it's so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
It appears to be your average bedroom, with baby blue walls (just like the kitchen), paintings scattered around the room that appear to be Wally's.
There's something that catches your eye across the room, a telephone with Wally's color scheme.

Oh well, seems unimportant.

You exit the room to see light emitting from the attic, is Wally up there?

You creep up the stairs, hoping to not make any noise.
You don't know why, but you have a bad feeling about being caught awake at this hour.

You finally reach the top of the stairs, the door is cracked slightly open, not en
Itough for you to see anything but enough for a noticeable red light to leak through.

You slowly open the door to see through....

It's Wally. He's talking to someone.

You look in awe, as you try to figure out who he's talking to... It's almost as if he's talking to...

...The house...

Just then, what appears to be an eye in the window looks directly at you, then Wally sharply turns to meet your gaze.


You're frozen, you don't know what to do.
Wally stands up and speaks to you;

"Neighbor. What are you doing up so late?"

You don't answer, you just look at him.
You feel as if you've stumbled upon something you weren't supposed to

"Go back to bed. Now."

You stand there for a moment, you don't know what to do.

He then starts walking toward you, so you book it the room and hide under the covers hoping it was all a bad dream.

You count the sheep to help you sleep faster...







8:00 AM

You shot up awake, gasping for air.

The room is filled with light, and it's back to its normal, cheery atmosphere.
The smell of food comes from outside the door, and it makes your stomach rumble.

Geez, when was the last time you ate?

You walk outside the bedroom to see Wally in his pjs and robe, cooking breakfast.

He immediately notices your presence, and turns to see you.

"Ah, you're finally awake. Good morning, Neighbor..."

He smiles and waves, you wave back.

"...I made you breakfast... I realized when I woke up this morning that you probably hadn't eaten in a while, so... Here you go, Neighbor."

He places a plate of some breakfast food, and beckons you to come sit.

You immediately sit down and start eating, you didn't realize it until now but you're starving!

He giggles at that and sits down in front of you.

"I guess I was right then, huh..."

You franticaly nod your head, as you continue to devour the food, you remember the thing you urgently wanted to ask Wally about.

You finish up and hurriedly grab the whiteboard and marker, and write down 'Thank you' on the board.

He chuckles and then says

"Well you are very welcome, Neighbor. You are my guest, afterall..."

You then begin to draw your question. This has peaked Wally's interest due to the amount of time it's taking to draw it.

You then turn around the whiteboard to show what appears to be a window with an eye staring through it, and Wally standing in front of the window.

"What's this?"

Wally asks, visible confusion shown in his expression.

You then write the words 'Last Night' above the drawing.

"Ah, that just sounds like a bad dream, Neighbor. You sure it was real?"

You then think for a moment, and the shake your head, feeling embarrassed.

Maybe it was just a bad dream afterall.

Wally chuckles and the says;

"That's okay, Neighbor. Sometimes dreams can seem really vivid and you confuse them for reality..."

You droop your head low in shame.

Wally pats your shoulder in an attempt to comfort you, but to no avail.

"Now how about you watch some TV, get your mind off that bad dream you had last night, huh Neighbor?"

You sit up from the table and go sit down at the couch.

You turn on the TV but it just switches on to some boring movie, it's all in black and white and you can't really tell what's going on.

But it's better then nothing, you guess.

"I'll be right back, Neighbor. I just have some things to take care of..."

Wally exits out the front door and leaves you all alone. Great, bored and alone.
You can't be too mad at him though, he did let you stay here in the first place, especially out of the blue like that.

You feel as if today's going to be a looooooooooooooooooooooooong day...




Word count: 838
Time completed: 10:22 PM

Authors Note

Wow! Two chapters in one day! How lucky you are. Spoiled, even.
Now something actually happened this chapter that might contribute to the story a bit, huh?
No romance yet, sorry, but I know you can wait. Gotta get some story in there too, what does this look like, a series of one shots? No, I actually out effort into these, thank you very much.
Not dissing my onehsot creators, sometimes they're good.
Can't expect much from a fandom that randomly blew up a few days ago, though.
Those damn videos infecting my FYP and causing me to make this.
Anyways I'm going to conclude this chapter here, see ya.

-Nobody Knows

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