Forest Encounter

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I only realised how dreadfully lost I was when the trees and vegetation started to change from tame ferns, shrubs and oak trees into more sinister-looking greenery. There were thick vines climbing tree to tree and the forest ground was covered in poisonous mushrooms, moss and dank soil.

The trees themselves were bent into all sorts of odd shapes; never looking quite like the neat, straight, sensible oaks I had grown to admire.

No. This was the kind of forest young ladies like me never came back from. The kind we get attacked by the Styghbeasts in, too far for anyone to even notice our death throes.

My heart skipped every third beat even as I told myself not to panic. The sun was setting and I wasn't certain which way was back.

Curse going to that party! The best thing would be to use the last daylight hours to find a waterbody to spend the night. Cold, dark and very wet but safe from the Beasts. Relatively. Then come morning, I'd find a hunter to latch- I mean, lead me to safety.

Two hours later and the moon finds me still with no water, desperate and profoundly exhausted.

I was in deep trouble.

Hot tears stream from my eyes as I wearily carried on forward with heavy steps. This was all Father's fault. And Mother as well. Thiango was also to blame for not taking my side. Asmara too because...well, just because. Lastly, I blamed Tulia for inviting me to a party she knew I would loathe attending. Because of all of them, I would die this night.

"Ni shue shen me? Dou buchi!"

I screamed and took off.

"Dang dai! Buijiao tiaopao! Uhhh, Stop! I'm not dangerous. Don't run!"

A man's voice. Not that of a Beast. False alarm.

My cheeks blazed hot as I stopped in my tracks and slowly headed back.

" I'm sorry," I began, "You startled me by speaking so suddenly. I didn't see you..."

The words trailed off and my eyes narrowed with suspicion.

The man was tied to a tree, dangling from his legs. He was dressed in strange long flowing robes to match his strange thick accent. He had a tall, bold stature and well-toned muscles. His skin was dark as well as his hair which formed long silky threads. All to say, he was- ahem- much more handsome than three-quarters of all the men in the Court.

Regardless! He looked suspicious. I mean, who just hangs around in a Beast-infested forest after dark, dangling from a tree, except for criminals left here for bait? 

The foreigner heaved a heavy sigh of relief as I stood right in front of him.

" You have my thanks. I truly apologise for frightening you. If you would just kindly release me and I'd be on my way." He tried giving me a reassuring smile which I mentally applauded him for pulling off upside down.

I cleared my throat, still hoarse from the last minute's hysterics. " I hope this gentleman won't think it rude if I inquire after your name, your House and by what misfortune found you thus."

"My name? Uhh, just call me Iatari. The rest I will explain as soon as you just let me out of these ropes. You see, we don't have much time. There's a knife on my leg strap. " He sniffed the air.

I looked around. No sign of Styghbeasts. I heard that hunters could sense them from far away but that could just be a ploy. We were alone in this forest in the middle of the night. If I set him free and he tried to do anything to me, I would be utterly helpless. Not to mention that he could actually be an Imperial criminal and I could be in serious trouble for releasing him. Even our family's status and connections wouldn't save me.

"Hello? Young lady? Still there?"

"Yes, excuse me. I was just debating my options. I'm sorry, uh noble Iatari, but you must understand the dilemma I am in. What guarantee do I have of my safety if I release a man of unknown origins? For all I know, you may slit my throat once free from your bondage. State your House, foreign origins or anything that can assure me you mean no harm."

The man groaned, "Ugh, I understand your concern but it is much too complicated to explain right now. I am but a humble Adventurer travelling from afar in search of someone. I give you my word, I mean you-" He closed his eyes and sniffed the air once again.

I rolled my eyes, "Surely you jest. An Adventurer in this country? You must be able to come up with a better excuse than-" I heard a blood-chilling shriek. It was close I realised in dismay.

"Kongque! Peacock Styghbeast! You have to release me NOW. Or else we are both dead."

Terror withstanding, I looked into his eyes and I was met with a calm resolute and honest gaze.

" My leg pocket. Now," he said. I quietly nodded and obeyed.

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