Been There, Done That

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After what'd seemed like centuries of travel despite the Hyperbeasts' call, the Heralds continued to research more about what they'd encountered, everyone shuffling through endless pages of massive books and encyclopedias. Except for a certain Icy, who lazily turned the pages, often accidently tearing a part of a page every now and then due to his leaning position.

"My back hurts just looking." Riff whispered to Trek, who'd also been glancing at Ikor every chance he could get. "I'm a little scared."

"Honestly, I've never seen him like that either. It worries me. Wait, what's Eron doing?"

Riff silently observed, hiding his face behind a book. 

"Sooo what'cha got there?" Eron glimpsed at the book Ikor was (supposed to be) reading. 


" any info?"

"Nin." (Icy for no).

"How many books have you read?"


"Aw, c'mon Ikoko, this convo feels really one sided!"

The guardian herself was seeing what Riff and Trek were seeing. She didn't know whether to find smiling at the situation was wrong or not.

"Ikorrr..." the windy groaned, pulling the Icy's arm, who did not move a muscle to protest. Instead, he got dragged across the the floor as the Windy continued to drag him, stopping at one point.

"Get up!" 

Ikor's face was planted on the floor, but managed to mumble something anyway.

"Uh, sorry, what was that? Couldn't quite catch that." Eron crouched down to hear his friend.

"What's the point?" He mumbled. "Em disht di eyon..."

"Did he just-?" Ao-ki walked towards the fiasco.

"No no, Ikor, get up. So what if you made a mistake? That doesn't mean you're dead to anyone!" Ao-ki attempted to reason with him.

"And talking in Icy isn't helping." Riff peered over his friend. "And neither is sulking about it! So you- we made a mistake, you lost your temper, it happens!"

"It's not supposed to happen!" Ikor suddenly shot up. "It's not supposed to happened, never should have and never has! Icies should and are-"

"Ice precise...yeah we get it. Look, man, how you are right now affects the entire team. If we're gonna stop Rhys, we gotta think together and act together."

"No, Riff. You are not understanding," the turquoise-eyed boy leaned towards the firey's face. This time, the icy managed to intimidate not only him, but everyone else in the process. "Perhaps you never will. And perhaps I'll never get better at who I'm supposed to be. Perhaps father will even remarry just to have another child because being here has turned me into a disappointment."

"You- wait. Hey! Are you basically calling us dorks?" The flame-boy growled, resisting the urge to push the icy away. 

"Maybe. You're telling me mistakes are okay, which is factually incorrect, because that's what mistakes are! Errors. Wrong. Actions that are never supposed to happen. There is no room for flaws when it involves relics, or Darkans, Gormiti-darkans, etcetera etcetera, because mistakes should never be made!"

"You're wrong! The way you Icies think is always wrong! I don't care what it says in an encyclopedia or whatnot, the way you're thinking right now is just horrible!"

"Guys, stop! Please!" Trek tried to intervene, but it voice was too soft over their raging voices. Eron shook is head at him, signaling him not to bother.

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