Pre Analysis:All Might

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Izuku: Here we go!!!!

Wiz: Imagine a world where superpowers are common, so-called Quirks, which can be trained at distinguished academies in hopes of becoming a superhero.

Boomstick: I know what you're thinking: "If everyone's got a power, then no one is super, right?" Except, most Quirks are really lame, like a balloon face or stretchy eyeballs. Ew.

Wiz: Even then, there are some unlucky few who don't have any Quirk at all. You may already know one of these Quirkless: Izuku Midoriya. But before him, there came another, one who would change the world. His name is Toshinori Yagi.

Boomstick: Toshinori wasn't a pushover, though. Even without a superpower, he wanted to become the symbol of peace, and thanks to Pro Hero Nana Shimura, he found a way.

Wiz: Shimura's Quirk had the unique ability to be directly passed on to a new user, and she saw something special in Toshinori. And so, he became the next bearer of One For All.

Boomstick: An ultra-powerful Quirk that let him become that Symbol of Peace with a never-ending smile on his face, All Might!

Izuku:All right!

Tsuyu:(ribbit) Calm down, Midoriya-Chan.



Boomstick: He can jump so high, people mistake him for flying. You might say they're takin' a flying leap in logic.

Wiz: But along with super-strength, One For All includes powers like improved durability, stamina, and speed.

Boomstick: All Might has no problem takin' huge hits and fighting villainy in the blink of an eye.

(Cut to Wiz and Boomstick.)

Wiz: And thanks to his training at U.A. High School, All Might molded his Quirk into an incredible fighting style.

Boomstick: With moves named after... the United States? I thought this dude was Japanese.

Wiz: Well, it's likely a nod to how the U.S. essentially created the modern superhero, like Superman. America's got a sort of superhero monopoly going on.

Kirishima:I wonder if Star and Stripe has ever met Superman?

Boomstick: Ah, if I had a Quirk like that, I'd name my moves after food.

Momo:Of course you would, Boomstick. Why does that not surprise me?

(Boomstick thrust out his fist.)

Boomstick: California Roll!

(Sushi appears in his hand.)

Wiz: Oh my God, it worked!

Boomstick: Goin' for two. Lobster Roll!

(A lobster appears in his hand.)

Wiz: Why lob...

(The lobster leaps on Wiz's face, he yells and falls to the ground, Boomstick chuckling afterward.)

Urakaka: Boomstick is a jerk.

Kirishima:Yeah for real.

Jiro:He so did that on purpose........

Boomstick: Anyway, there's a ton of different Smashes in All Might's arsenal, covering all sorts of states and cities, from Nebraska, to Detroit, to the Carolinas.

Wiz: And most of their names actually do describe their results to a certain extent. For example, his Texas and Oklahoma Smashes both create variations of tornadoes.

Boomstick: And those two states are smack dab in the crossfire of real-life Tornado Alley. Coincidence? Probably not.

Bakugo:Huh. Who would've thought?

Wiz: Of course, many of his attacks create targeted gusts of wind, but every Smash does have its own unique form of delivery. Such as how the Missouri Smash is a karate chop, and the New Hampshire Smash is a reverse attack, meant to send All Might rocketing through the air.

Bakugo:New Hampshire is my personal favorite attack of All Might's.

Izuku:Wasn't your Howitzer Impact inspired by it?

Bakugo:Yeah. Sure was. Only my attach is a straight offensive one while All Might's is a more of a counterattack.

Boomstick: But he's got one mega-sized move that goes beyond all that. Or as he calls it, "Plus Ultra".



Kirishima:Chill out, Midoriya. Yeesh......

Boomstick: So friggin' hardcore! Ah, the United States of Smash! (Singing) Cause I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free... oh God, I love that move!~

Wiz: But he's Japanese.

(The music stops.)

Boomstick: (responds with another song) Merica, f**k yeah! United States of motherf**king Smash, yeah!~

Momo: Boomstick is an idiot. We can all agree on this, right?

(Everyone nods in agreement)

Wiz: To determine the power of this epic blow, let's find the volume of the resulting whirlwind by comparing its size to the nearby buildings. Applying the standard height of three meters per floor, the whirlwind appears to be at least 2,200 meters tall, giving it a volume of over 10 billion cubic meters. To create a tornado that large, All Might's strike must have equaled a force of over 11,000 tons of TNT.

Boomstick: That's insane! He's got the power of an atomic bomb in his bare fist!

Wiz: He's also fast enough to run down this stairway in less than half a second. A feat which, given the distance measured, means he can move 29 times faster than sound.

Boomstick: He's in the same league as the supervillain Gigantomachia, who blew up a mountain! And he punched this Nomu guy so hard, he pulled a Team Rocket! Looks like Nomu's blasting off again!

(Popup: While All Might never fought Gigantomachia, he has defeated All For One, whose power is so great that Gigantomachia reveres him as his master.)

Wiz: With so much power, All Might remained the No. 1 Hero for years. Unfortunately, success doesn't last forever.

Boomstick: Yeah, he got into a fight that was a bit bigger than even he could handle, and got injured pretty bad.

Wiz: So bad, in fact, it became difficult for him to use his powers, and drastically limited his full strength.

Boomstick: But hey, don't worry. For Death Battle, we look at each character's peak performance across their whole life.

Wiz: Right. When fighting Nomu, All Might claimed that what he pulled off in 300 punches, he could have previously done with just five.

Wiz: Taken literally, this means All Might, at his best, was 60 times more powerful.

Boomstick: But even as a crippled old man, he held on to the No. 1 spot for a long time. Not because he was taking out more bad guys than the competition, but 'cause he was just so goddamn heroic.

Wiz: At least until he could find a new successor with a smile on his face. A shining example of what it means to be a true hero, just like himself.


Kirishima:All right. Now that Midoriya's fangasm has ended....


Bakugo:Let's see this Might Guy.

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