Post Analysis

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(Deadpool appears on-screen.)

Deadpool: (sarcastically) Oh! Oh, YouTube comments. Oh, I see you rolling. Oh, you're hating. Oh, it wounds me so— it doesn't at all. Explain how I beat this asshole.

Bakugo:Heh. Too bad Momo left. It feels weird not hearing her complain.

Wiz: Don't tell me how to do my job. (clears throat) This was a surprisingly even match. Though Deathstroke was the superior fighter of the two and had the better armor, Deadpool could take all his punishment and give just as much.

Mina:With his broken healing? Obviously!

Boomstick: Deathstroke's smart, so normally he would have no problem predicting his opponent's moves, but Deadpool is so unpredictable, not even Taskmaster, or sometimes even himself for that matter, can keep up with whatever he's doing.

Wiz: Unfortunately for Deathstroke, he didn't have the means to put Deadpool down for good. And while Deathstroke's healing factor was perfect for repairing damage, Deadpool's trumped his by being capable of replacing entire organs at a much faster rate. Sometimes the original isn't always the best.

Ochaco:Ah well.

Boomstick: Deadpool is just a cut above the rest.

(We cut to the "Winner" card.)

Wiz: The winner is—

(Deadpool pops in victoriously to finish the last sentence.)

Deadpool: Spider-Man! I mean Deadpool, shit!


Bakugo:That fight kicked ass.

Iida:It frustrated Momo.

Kaminari:What hasn't frustrated her ever since we've started this?

Iida:Point Taken.

Kirishima:All right! So what fight should we watch next?

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