The World of Greys

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I miss the days when everything seemed so colorful, when everything was beautiful when everything was covered in sunshine and anything seemed possible. But as you get older you see how grey the world is how ultimately empty and meaningless it all is. Especially people, you realize how fickle their values are and who they are as people can easily be changed by either material wealth or by the need of attention and gratification from others. You realize that it's better to just not care about anything because everything can easily be taken away from you. And you realize that people are not much different, the only difference separating people and objects is one can hurt you emotionally and will leave you on their own accord without you having to do anything at all and will go out of their way to spite you regardless if it's warranted or not. Then you realize that society will bastardize you, slander you and hang you for the crime of being yourself but also expects you to do as they say perfectly and if you mess up at any time you might as well consider your life null and void. You can cry you can scream you can freak out in anger you can try to do everything in your power to change it but reality goes on and you're left with shattered dreams and ambitions. Then after all of the unnecessary suffering you experienced at the end of your life, you start to wonder if it was all worth it. As you try to deny or accept that it's all over the pain will be finally over but then you think, "what happens after all of this?" "Is there anything after this that could possibly make all of this grief and anguish truly worth it?" "Is there anything after life?" You ponder to yourself then the last of what hasn't been taken away from you by life is finally gone, life itself.

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