Chapter Twelve

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I couldn't sleep all night thinking about Sasha what does she want from me all thought are running in a circle like a tour train I just moved from bed and went to the kitchen

Maybe some milk will help me sleep

I just take down some milk and sit down on the kitchen island and drank some milk and fell asleep in the kitchen


"Hey Y/N wake up hey!" I wake up when mils was waking me up
"C'mon let's go to bed"
"Yeah milk work"

I just laughed and went upstairs and went to sleep

In the morning

I wake up still confused about Sasha when I go downstairs I saw AJ styles with Amelia talking
"Hey what are you doing here?"
"Just came to check on you"
"He sent you here didn't he?"
"Nope he didn't'
"Okay okay he did"
"I knew it!"
"Hey you don't look so fine"
"Hey mils can we get some privacy"
"Okay I'll be in the kitchen'
"Thank you"

Amelia got up and goes to the kitchen
"Hey AJ I have a problem"
"What problem?"
"But first promise me you won't tell Finn please"
"Okay tell me"
"Look I think Sasha is staking me"
"Really? why?"
"I don't know but can you really tell me what was going on between Finn and Sasha before I came?"
"Okay well you know Finn a Bachelor well it started when Finn was moved from NXT to Raw he was friendly and he started to get along with one of the four-horse women"
"Yeah they started as friends and soon had feeling for each other Finn “begged”Sasha with flowers chocolate and everything but Sasha's intentions was Seth but soon shifted to Finn again"
"Yeah anyway when he wanted Finn you came along as Dolph's girlfriend and soon became wife that's where Finn got feelings for you and left Sasha to be with you it was hard for Sasha Finn distanced from Sasha and came to you more and Sasha got jealous of you and more when you left Dolph for Finn and worst when you two decided to get married"
"So she hates me for that!?"
"What am I going to do?"
Tell Finn"
"No and remember you promised me"
"Yeah look I have to go"

I say as let him leave I breathe heavily
"Hey what was that about?"
"Got what your looking for?"
"Ready to tell Finn"
"How's No"

I say as I go to the kitchen

3days later

All alone yesterday Emily's husband called and needed her back so she needed to get going I'm so bored as I'm looking at this boring movie from television I got a call I answered it quickly


Hey Y/n it's me Dolph

Hey what's up

I'm in LA

Okay you enjoying the house

Yeah yeah anyway I was wondering if we can hang out

Hang out are you serious

No no I was jok-

Relax Dolph I was playing

So is that a yes

Yeah it is so where to hang out

At my place if you don't mind

Okay cool maybe you can give me a tour around your house

Sure no problem

Okay see yah soon

I say before hanging up *what am I going to wear I rush up stairs I take a shower and I wore black jeans with a black shirt that writes Nike I take car keys and drove to Dolph's house


I ring the doorbell*** he opens it
"Hey Dolph"
"Hi Y/n c'mon in"
"Thank you"

I say as I entered wow the place way beautiful than I remembered marble floor wooden table a red carpet and pictures of himself in the wall of course
"Nice place you got here"
"Thanks I owe it to"
"There is no way you're living alone here"
"Y/n let me tell you something"
"There was no one else after you"

There was silence***

I just went on and sit down well this took an unexpected turn
"Hey Y/n make your self feel at home!"

I say to him as he goes to the kitchen

He comes back and he asks me to sit at the dinning table I agreed and he came back with food
"Wow I didn't know you can cook like this"
"Yeah I after you left me for Finn I figured that feeling sorry for my self wasn't going to cut it so I turned to another hobby cooking"
"Oh okay" I say in a low tone

There was silence...

"Dolph I'm sorry I didn't mean to break it's just things got messed up between us quickly and-.." I say breaking the silence
"Oh don't worry Y/n I know how I became to you and I'm sorry too"
"Thank you and I forgive you"
"Same here now eat!'

It's going great me and Dolph are laughing our ass out as we tell one another funny stories
"He was so dum!"
"Yeah I mean how could you go to the women's room when the sign literally says Women's room I centric gothic"
"And he was not even a women?'
"Those ladies beat his ass up"
"Hahahaha yeah!"

We continued to laugh while drinking wine he got up and took the dishes thank you he went to the kitchen I look at the time shit 20:39 "hey Dolph I have to go"
"What already!?"
"Yeah look at the time"
"20:40 already"
"Yeah time flies when you're having fun"
"What no!"
"Yeah it's late it's the least I can after I kept you up this late"
"I don't know"
"Please it's going to be great"
"Yes now where were we?"
"Does it matter I'm stomach hurts!"
"I told to stop laughing"

We just laughed and came close to me and he kisses me deeply and he moves back
"I'm sorry"
"No do that again"

He kisses me again and I kiss him back we kissing and he touched my jeans and and buttoned it and he grabs me and I put my legs around his waist and we went upstairs


𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘐𝘴 𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘯( 𝕎𝕎𝔼 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟)Where stories live. Discover now