Chapter Fourteen

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I'm walking with Finn backstage he's holding his title and I'm helping him with his suitcase I keep looking around hopping I don't see Sasha wait spoke to soon
"Hello lovely couple" Sasha says as she comes towards us
"Sasha" we say at the same time she smiles at and turns to Finn
"Finn can I talk to your wife women to women?"
"Is that fine with you babe?"
"Yeah sure"
"See you later"

He says kissing me in the cheek and leaves Sasha looked at me
"I'm going to destroy you and your pathetic life"
"Is that so?"
'Yes do you know Charlie Puth's song that says one call away?"
"This is like the song I'll just press a button and your life goes kaboom"
"I have hope that everything will sort it self out"
"Don't be so naive Y/n it's over"
"Sasha you may see Finn as a strong man but he's weak"
"Yeah and I'm his weakness you should have seen his face when I told him I want a Divorce"
"I don't care"
"You will he doesn't love you even if he does he won't love you as he loves me"
"We will see"

I say as I move and go take my sit on my way to my sit I bumped into Dolph Ziggler
"Hey beautiful"
"God shut up!"
"What did I do?"
"Listen here Dolph what happened between us was a mistake"
"But don't tell me you didn't feel anything"
"I didn't feel anything I don't want nothing to do with you your just nothing but a fling"
"Yes now get out of my way"

I just shoved him out of the way and I go to my sit and I try to enjoy the show


The show was great now I'm going to Finn I see him hey I say as I wave at him so he can see me he smiles and then he looks at his phone oh no

Finn POV

I'm on my way to the locker room but stopped to my tracks as Y/n calls me I smile but soon my phone buzz it was a message I look at it and it was a video and a picture of Y/n kissing Dolph Ziggler I open the video and it was sex tape of Dolph Ziggler and Y/n maybe this is what she meant by mistake and then I saw Dolph walking "you!!!" He turns around I go and I punch him in the face and we start fighting and Y/n comes "stop it Finn" he moves me i just move and I leave she follows me
"Finn stop what's got in to you?"
"How could you cheat on me with Dolph Ziggler"
"Oh I guess Sasha already sended you the video"
"What! Sasha? what's going on?"
"Okay can I be real honestly with you?"
"Okay months ago when we ride together that's where Sasha told that I stole you from her"
"Yeah that's what I said anyway she said she'll do anything for you to be hers and killing me is all it takes then so be it"
"She'll never say that"
"She did I even told Emily and AJ and she started staking me and that's when umm Dolph called me"
"Yeah continue"
"And we talked about a lot of things and we ended up sleeping together and Sasha blackmailed me and told me if I don't divorce you she'll send you the video"
"Yeah that's why I tried to break up with you today morning cause I was trying to protect you"
"How do you feel?"
"I'm not comfortable in my own body I feel different I feel like I've done a sin and when you touch me it just doesn't feel right anymore"
"I'm sorry I'm just no good of a wife to you"
"No Y/n your the best thing that could ever happen to me'
"Yeah I don't see a life without you I don't love Sasha I love you!"
"Stop I don't deserve your kindness"
"Look we both made mistakes and you were able to forgive me so I'll forgive you"
"Why Finn there are so many girls out there who will love to be with you"
"Yeah but I want you,you showed me what love is you know I use to play around until you came in to my life I only at that time I only wanted to play with Sasha nothing more nothing less'
"Oh really?"
"Yeah but you it became the complete opposite cause I saw your the one worth spending my life with"

She just hugged me I love Y/n that's what I really feel about her but for Sasha banks I'll sort her out "hey Finn are you okay I just came to check you out" Sasha says as she comes towards us
"Let me make this right" I say as I look at Y/n
"What right?" Sasha asks
"Listen here Sasha me and you are never going to happen I won't date you even if you're the last girl on Earth I'll rather be gay than date somebody like you"
"What! you don't mean that?"
"Oh yes I do I know you sended me those pictures I know you told you've been staking my wife that's creepy"
"But nothing I'm not leaving Y/n not for you not for anyone else so get this in your head I don't love you and Sasha your just nothing but a girl that I fucked come on Y/n let's go home"

I say as I shove Sasha out out the way


Finn found out the truth and he told me he's not giving up on us he's the best husband ever he even trashed Sasha now we're on our way home there's silence in the car as he drives
"So I guess I'm leaving"

I say breaking the silence

"And where your going Y/n were not breaking up"
"Why not I mean I preserve that you'll be mad"
"I'm I saw it coming and why everytime we get on a fight you give up on us instantly"
"I don't know I just feel I'm good enough for you"
"Really your good enough for Y/n"
"Yeah I know now"

We just laughed and he continued the drive and we arrive at the house

"So it's you and me for the rest of our lives together"
"We're breaking up we're not falling down we won't change"
"I hope"

And trouble came in Sasha was holding a gun and she was pointing it at us
"Woh Sasha calm down"
"No we were supposed to be together Finn we were supposed to be married have kids!"
"What your insane"
"No I'm not she's the one making you feel that way!!!"
"No I'm not"
"Shut up you ruined everything Y/n now your going to pay"
"Look Sasha calm down please okay"
"Don't tell me to Fucking calm down"
"Okay okay relax"
"Shut UP!!!!"

She says screaming Finn starts talking to her while I moved to the phone and I dail 911and she saw me
"What are you doing?"
"Give it to me"
"I'll blow your brain Y/n now give it!!!"
"Okay here"

I toss her the phone
"Dicky move Y/n now time to die"
"Wait it's over Sasha stop this madness"
"If I can have Finn no one can"

And she shoot me in the shoulder I fall down Finn tries to come to me but Sasha said
"Don't touch her Finn look I love you she doesn't"
"I don't love you I want her"
"No!!!" She says starting to cry

And the police syrens start they enter the house

drop the gun ma'am

If I can't have him no one can

That's the last thing she said before shooting herself in the head

4 months later

"Relax I'm fine"
"It's not about you anymore"
"I know it's about us"

Yeah after that accident and Sasha's death we tried to continue to move on now I'm two months pregnant I'm living my best life with the love of my life Finn Balor "okay now it's read in three say Cheese okay one.. two... Three"


The End

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