Chapter 6 - The night before the morning after.

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Hey Guys sorry for not uploading, I wasn't sure how to write this chapter and I wasn't sure if I would end it at a certain point or make it a longer chapter, with the whole of the night or just the beginning. But here it is, better late than never. :) Sorry it's so long, but I'm glad if you like longer chapters! :)

Thank you again for reading 'What a pack of lies.' It means A LOT to me! :)

Please fan (follow) me, comment and vote! Thank you! :D ~ Rebecca.

P.S. It's still her Birthday in this chapter, just so you don't get confused. And it starts from the bit after she meets Shaz. :) I wonder who Matt is... ~ Rebecca.


"Chapter 6 - The night before the morning after."

This is going to be great; I wonder how my parents arranged all this? How did Louise not give it away, she is rubbish at keeping secrets, but she has been acting odd recently, well actually all my friends are really bad liars and well I suppose they're all, well strange, and slightly crazy. That's putting it nicely, but they are my crazy, strange, odd, loveable, weird friends and I wouldn't have them any other way.

Mum said that my closest friends had been invited who were Valerie, Louise, Alex and Zachary. Those were their 'proper' names but we didn't call them that, Valerie was Val and Zachary was Zach.

Val is really clever, she's kind and she's wise, but absolutely mad at the same time she also tended to be a bit over the top and exaggerated everything, one time she had a paper cut and she was screaming saying she was going to die; we were in a library and we got chucked out.

Louise is quite arty, clever, kind and funny but she was also crazy, she was kind of the perfect friend, although I didn't let her know that or else she would never shut up about it.

Alex is the sane one but he wasn't the brightest spark in the box but he was still quite sporty and he loved a good joke or prank so he and Zach had great fun pulling pranks on us.

Finally Zach is the normal one, he had a mix of everything, but he could be a bit of a bad boy sometimes, he got arrested once for getting on a bus without any clothes on; for a dare, but we didn't think he would do it, but it was Zach so he did.

Then there was me, I was the quiet, but interesting one, but that's how I see myself, the others totally disagree, but they're all wrong, I'm right. They say that I'm crazy, odd, strange, weird, quiet, clever and responsible. But I don't think it's true.

I couldn't wait until this evening, currently Shaz was making sure that my dress fit me properly, she kept poking, pushing and turning me; it was starting to annoy me, how long did it take to look at the way a dress looked and say yeah it fits or it doesn't fit?

"Um Shaz?" I said sheepishly. She looked up at me with a look of fear, I suppose she thinks I don't like the dress. But the truth is I love it!

"Shaz, the dress is amazing and I love it, and it fits perfectly, you must surely be one of the greatest dress designers of like all time." I said, my voice laced with pure delight.

Shaz looked at me shocked, "That is one of the kindest things anyone has ever said to me." She said but her voice was low and almost a murmur and broke at different parts, I could see tears of happiness welling up in her eyes.

"I was only telling the truth you are like; well you're just like one of the best." I said whilst giving Shaz a hug. Over the hour that Shaz had been here I had become fond of her even though I didn't really know her. She sniffed and I could feel her smile into my shoulder, "Thank you Lauren, you have no idea how much this means to me." I was shocked that she felt that way about a compliment that was true she must of know how good she was, right?

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