Chapter 11 - Decisions decisions decisions.

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Sorry for not uploading, I didn't know how to write it, but I hope it's okay. This chapter is in Lauren's POV. Enjoy it! :) ~ Rebecca.


"Chapter 11 - Decisions, decisions, decisions."

Lauren's POV

"So, are you going to go out with him?" He asked me, he was so forward, I'd only just met him, but he felt trustworthy to me.

I was scared, worried, any emotion to that extent, I didn't know, I like Matt, a lot, but he is my teacher, "I think I, I think I, I don't know, no, you know what I will, I'll see how it goes, who cares what anyone says or thinks, it's my life." I said, I think I was more thinking aloud than talking to Niall.

Wow, I actually just told a complete and utter stranger that I was going to go out with my teacher. What was wrong with me?

"Okay... If you're sure, but I wouldn't pin my hopes on him if I were you, it's your funeral." Niall said, I'd only just realised, after the 2 minutes of talking to him he has an Irish accent, not strong though, that's probably why I hadn't noticed it before, it made his statement all the more scary, but weird.

Niall started to walk away from me, "Wait, where are you going?" I said trying to stop him, I'd just told him the biggest secret and he was just walking away?

"Like I said, it's your funeral. I'm not getting involved with that thing... I mean that man." Niall angrily hissed at me.

What the hell is wrong with him?

"You won't tell anyone will you?" I asked quietly after he had suddenly shouted at me.

"No, I won't, I'll keep your secret, but your friends and family will soon find out, it's inevitable." Why the hell does he keep talking like he's so smart and all knowing, he can't be all that, but I suppose his parents are teachers.

"Well okay then... See you around?" I asked awkwardly.

"Yeah, you'll be seeing a lot of me over the next few years." He said again with his all-knowing riddles.

"Okay then." I said and turned on my heel and walked away.

I walked out to the surrounding woods. I had felt like going for a run, but I now felt guilty, and I wanted to wallow in self-pity for the remainder of my maths lesson, I'd apologise to Matt after school.


Ring. The sound of the bell signalling it was break time.

I walked over to the benches where me and my friends usually hung out during lunch and break. Xavier was the only one there at the moment.

"Hi." I said casually.

"Yeah, hi." He said sounding weird.

"What's up with you?" I asked confused, he got to miss the whole of the first two periods.

"Oh yeah, of course you would say that, what's up with me? What's up with you?" He said in an aggressive tone.

"Why are you being such an idiot, I've had a tough morning and now I'm asking you if you're okay." I said slightly annoyed with him.

"Look Lauren O'Connell, me and my sister tell each other everything, and now I know your secret." What is he going on about, what's Francesca got to do with anything?

"What's Francesca said, and what secret?" I asked getting confused for the billionth time this morning.

"Niall is going out with my sister..." I cut home off.

"Since when? How are you okay with that, they just met, they don't even know each other?" I asked, I wasn't really friends with Francesca, but she was Xavier's sister after all.

"Yeah I am okay with it, and some people just have a connection." He said with guilt in his eyes? He continued with his story, "Niall told Francesca everything, she was scared for you so she told me. How could you, he's a teacher." He whispered the last part.

"It's none of your business who I go out with, and anyway Matt is really nice." I said calmly, I can't believe Niall snitched.

"Oh, so this Matt guy is Mr. Gazini?" He said in annoyance, "I should have realised earlier. When were you going to tell us?" He asked.

"When I felt the time was right, and anyway, I only found out Matt was a teacher today, so you can shush." I said satisfied with myself.

Why was everyone questioning me, no one knows Matt; I don't even know him.

"Look, I hate to break it to you but he's bad news, you'd better just leave him be, go out with someone normal, good looking, friendly, kind," He paused briefly, "your own age. Someone like, like... me." He said shyly.

"No, I like Matt, he's all of what you said, but who cares if he's older than me by like 4 years, there's 6 years between my parents." I stated nonchalantly.

Then Xavier just left.


The bell for the end of break rung, telling me I needed to get to class. I quickly retrieved my timetable to see that I had science next and my teacher was none other than Mr. Gazini.

I hurried off to class and saw Val and Zach holding hands, finally. "Hey, what class have you got next?" I asked them as I walked awkwardly next to the them.

"Like you care, aren't you off to science to see your boyfriend." Zach said sarcastically. Again, why are people over reacting?

"So Xavier told you then?" I asked trying to keep my voice calm.

"Yeah, everyone knows." Zach said with a mean icing edge to his voice.

"What?" I exclaimed, people turned to look at me like I was crazy, so I looked down at the increasingly interesting floor.

"Zach, shut up, she's still our friend you should be nice to her, even if her taste in men is way off the mark." Val said soothingly to Zach.

"Can someone tell me why the whole school now knows please?" I said annoyed at how she just brushed the subject off.

"Oh yeah, 1. The whole school doesn't know, just me, Zach, Xavier, Niall, Louise, Jack, Luke, Anna, Ciara, Francesca, Cara, Rose, Alex and Sam. And 2. What are you thinking? He's not even that good looking." Val casually said, like the whole situation was nothing to her.

"1. You think that 14 people knowing is normal? And how do they know? I bet Xavier couldn't wait to tell you all, he must find this so funny. And 2. Matt is really nice, he took me home, and helped me find my bag, and he is good looking, you should see what you're dating." I said getting annoyed at how people didn't care about me or my feelings, no one even knows what Matt's lik-

The sudden pain and then the burning sensation I felt on my cheek soon brought me out of my thoughts. Val had just slapped me, my best friend slapped me.

"What the hell was that for?" I screeched at her, bringing the whole corridor to silence as everyone turned to face us.

"Don't ever insult me or my boyfriend again; you and Matt would go really nicely together. Your both creepy, smelly, ugly idiots that are welcome to each other!" Val roared at me in front of what must have been 50 students.

I was stunned to silence as Val marched off with Zach following like a puppy with an adoring look in his eyes, idiots.

I just stood there, I could hear the crowd saying, what did she say, aren't they best friends, I want to see round two, but the biggest question was who's Matt.


So, what do you think? I'm not sure. Any comments would be really helpful! Thank you! And again, please fan, comment and vote!!  

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What a pack of lies.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें