Chapter 10: You Have No Idea

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Mia's P.O.V

I'm walking towards the bedroom to get change when I heard someone in it. At first I thought it was just Ames but boy was I mistaken. It was him all right, but there was someone else in there with him. By the time I got closer to the door, it was no mistaking it.

The sounds that I was hearing were very much active sex noises. Why am I not surprise? It was gonna happen sooner or later anyway. But I was just grossed out by the fact that I have to share a house with all that going on daily maybe. I think that I will never get any peace now. If Ames brought someone today, then theres gonna be another tomorrow and then the next.

"I think you should get your bedroom sound proof from now on." I turned around to find Mathew standing right behind me. He smiled cockily as whoever Ames was doing screamed louder. My precious ears are gonna blow up soon.

I made a disgusted look and turned to go back down stairs. I looked at Mathew and he was acting out sex facials based on the noise. I instantly burst out laughing, holding my stomach. I wanted to stop but I couldn't. Mathew even exaggerated his acting and just made me laugh even more.

I speed walked down the stairs so that I could laugh away from the room. They must have heard me because the noise started to decrease.

"S-stop!" I was trying, so hard to stop. But every time I said stop, it sounded like I was encouraging him to continue. "Mathew!!" I almost cried asking him to stop with his stupid acting. My eyes were watering from laughing too much.

"I'm good right?."

I took deep breathes to try and calm myself down.

"Don't do that again."

"Hey, I made you laugh didn't I? Besides thats nothing compared to when I'm." I did not want him to finish that sentences.

"Okay, I get it." I held up a hand to stop him from saying anymore. "I don't really want to know about, that."

"Just saying, when I'm in action.." he looked afar shaking his head, admiring himself.

I took a seat on one of the couches and grabbed the remote for the TV. Mathew dropped himself beside me which made me scoffed away from him awkwardly.

"Theres another chair right there."

"What's wrong with this one?"

"You're on it, thats why."

"Its just a chair and I'm not even trying anything with you." I don't know if he was lying but if he was, then he was really good at it.

"Yeah, well don't get any ideas."

He laughed and I knew that he was liking my reaction. I was expecting him to say or do another stupid thing. As expected, he did.

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