Twitter Wars

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"ASHLEY!" I screamed as someone collided with me, knocking my headphones off my head. Their arms went around me, spinning the chair around with them practically on my lap. Tom snickered from the corner he was sitting in, playing with his phone.

"Um...Hi Zoey" I said, shell-shocked. "How about you tell me when you're going to tackle-hug me next time, okay?"

"Sure thing" She laughed, climbing off me. She grabbed the spare chair in Tom's office, wheeling it over to sit next to me. "What'cha doing?"

"Editing yesterday's Mianite video. My laptop doesn't render well so I'm using Tom's set-up instead" I shrugged, retrieving my headphones from the floor.

"Oh." Zoey leaned forward, watching as I went back through the footage of Jordan and I playing a prank on Sonja and Tucker. "So I have something important to tell you!"

"which is?" I asked, cutting out a small bit of boring strip-mining.

"John and I got back together" I nearly choked as she spoke, accidentally bumping up the volume of the audio up and temporarily deafening myself. Tom cackled loudly as I jerked my headphones off, looking at Zoey incredulously.

" in Smarty?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

She nodded enthusiastically. "Isn't it great?"

"Yeah" I brushed my bangs out of my face, stumbling for a polite way to question her. " And how do Emma and the others feel about this?"

"I don't know" Zoey frowned. "Why should it matter"

"You know how much of a drama queen Emma can-" I cut myself off as my phone buzzed. A message from Skype was apparently waiting for me. I grabbed the phone, unlocking it and clicking on my skype app. "What the hell does Chilled want"

TotallyNotChilledChaos: Sooo have you seen Emma's twitter today?

I frowned, quickly typed in a message

TheSparklyCat: Um no? I've been editing all day ;-;

TotallyNotChilledChaos: Might want to check it before you stream today.

"Tom, have you seen anything on Twitter from Emma?" I asked, looking over my shoulder at him.

"No. Why?" Tom stood from his seat, crossing the room. He took my phone, scanning over Chilled's message. "Sound's serious. But Chilled is a troll."

"It's still worth checking, right?" Zoey sounded worried.

"Yeah" I clicked into a new tab in Chrome, typing in twitter and logging in. My notifications had blown up, getting to the point where they were nearly freezing the browser. I clicked on the tab, watching as various tweets filled the screen.

@FlyAwayLyssa: What's wrong with @ViralatePro ? And where's @TheCataclysm ?

@SyndiclysmForever: @TheCataclysm what's going on? Why are Emma and Zoey fighting?

@TheGamingGuru: Did @ZoeyBee try and take Tom from @TheCataclysm ?

@VaugeandConfused: Can @TheCataclysm @ViralatePro and @ZoeyBee explain themselves?!

"God damnit Emma. What did you do" I quickly went to the search bar, typing in her name.

"Sounds bad" Tom muttered as the screen loaded.

I groaned as her page loaded.

@ZoeyBee: When bae is over to visit :D @tehsmarty

in response too @ZoeyBee and @tehsmarty :

@ViralatePro: It's amazing how fast you can bounce back when you just helped your best friend's boyfriend cheat on her.

Zoey made a small noise in her throat as Tom practically hissed. Emma had gone and broadcast personal problems, that weren't even her problems to the several thousand people who followed the members of team trinity. I jerked the keyboard toward me, typing out a response before Tom or Zoey could stop me.

@TheCataclysm: Way to publicly announce problems that YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS BEING IN ANYWAY. Keep your nose where it belongs @ViralatePro, in YOUR OWN life.

"That's going to bite you in the ass later, Ash" Tom said, watching as people began responding to my tweet.

"I don't care. I'm so sick of her being a bitch about something that's not related to her to begin with." I covered my eyes, leaning back in my chair with an aggravated sigh.

"I should probably go home" Zoey said softly. "I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Sure thing" I mumbled, listening as her footsteps faded away.

"Ash, don't let her bother you too much okay?" Tom kissed my cheek, closing twitter with his free hand. "I'm going to go get lunch so we can eat before stream okay? You should probably get your laptop and stuff set up downstairs."

"Right" I nodded, grabbing my glasses from the table.

Just something else I had to deal with.


A/N: I'll give a you a shout out if you can tell me what singer/band the name @FlyAwayLyssa was a gesture to! (Hint: It's a reference to the band name itself and the twitter tag the lead singer uses for his account. -The lead singer was also a member of a popular boy band not too long ago ;)- )

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