Grocery expedition.

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"So what's on the list?" Zoey said to herself, looking over the list she'd torn out of her notebook. 

"This is stupid" I responded, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"You haven't left the house in three days. You canceled your trip to England. I've had to take Yoshi for walks since Emma can't keep up with her stamina. You haven't logged into Mianite, yes Ashley. Jordan told us. And to top it all off, you won't tell any of us what's wrong. Going shopping is the lesser of two evils here, Ash" 

"Can we hurry up?" I asked as Zoey grabbed the cart. 

"Record and be less grumpy" She said, directing the cart down the closest aisle. 

"This is the spice section Zoey" I reminded her. 

"So?" She shot me a dirty look. 

I raised an eyebrow at her. "we can't cook. all. Why would we need spices?"

"Reasons" She shrugged.

"Reasons like?" I watched as she grabbed several spice packs and threw them into the cart. 

"Like I may be having someone over for dinner." Zoey guided us to the next isle. "So....rice or mashed potatoes as a side...shoot. I forgot to ask him" 

"Ask who?" I prodded further. "Smarty isn't in town as far as I know...and if it were a Team Trinity thing we'd just go out for pizza or takeout." 

"Okay. So we're having several people over for dinner....and I'm getting Erica to help me cook. And you're going to attend and be happy about it." Zoey said as she tossed in several boxes of ready-rice. 

"And who are these people going to be?" I followed her to the next aisle, grabbing cheesecake cookies from the shelf. They were added in next to multiple boxes of Little Debbies and Capri Sun. 

"Well you'll just have to find out, won't you" Zoey said, turning her attention to the next stop. 

"The alcohol aisle?" I was surprised as she surveyed the shelves. "Zoey. I can't even drink" 

"You're 19 and no one is going to say any different" Zoey rolled her eyes. 

"So why am I the one going to this party?" I asked as I trailed after her while she stocked up on food. 

" was supposed to be a couples thing with Erica and Ze. Except Ze brought in a friend.....and none of the rest of us are single" Zoey winced as I inhaled sharply. 

"I'm going on a date?" I hissed as we walked to the check-out. "Zoey. I can't believe you would-" 

"Well we had to do something!" Zoey said as the clerk quickly rang up our purchases. I handed Zoey the money for my own treats as she passed over her bank card. "You aren't talking to us! Emma said you haven't even talked to Tom in days" 

"This isn't about Tom and I" I said too quickly, cutting her off. 

"So it is something to do with him?" She grabbed the bags, handing two of them to me. "I thought so. Emma said you started acting weird after he left" She lead the way to her car. 

"It was nothing Zo-" She shot me a dark look, one that said I either told her or this date thing was going to be so much worse than it already was. "Fine. He came over. We played a game with Emma. She went to bed. Tom and I watched a crappy movie and ate take-out. He kissed me and then he left.." 

"He kissed you?" Zoey said as we climbed in. "Did you at least kiss him back?" 

"Of course I did!" I smacked her arm as she started the car. "It was the best kiss I've had in a while. Since the whole Tom thing. Damn...Emma was right. Two Tom's is annoying" 

Zoey giggled to herself as we turned into the busy street. "So let me get this straight. He kissed you and then just left? Like, he didn't even call you the next day?" 

"Nothing. Radio silence. Then as soon as I logged on Mianite to work on some stuff after the stream he got off." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he isn't as into me as I thought he was" 

"Does that mean you'll give Ze's friend a chance?" Zoey asked with a grin. 

"Depends...who is it?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"I have no clue. All I know is that he flew in with Ze, but Ze is stopping here for two days to see Erica. They're both leaving the day after tomorrow. But L.A was apparently a stop on the way to Denver" Zoey shrugged, turning onto the street Emma and I lived on. "Also I lied about the cooking thing. I just needed groceries. You guys are actually going out to some movie. So dress cute. Erica will pick you up at 8:00, the movie starts at 8:30. Wear something adorable okay, sweetie?" 

"Sure. Whatever" I got out of the car as she stopped infront of the house. My snacks were secured in their bag on my arm as I walked up to the house.

It was going to be a long night. 

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