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We hope everyone in this humble home of ours has had a wonderful month! Love is in the air, or so they say, and we have managed to uncover additional cards from what we believe to be a previously sold package of Welcome Home Valentines Day Cards! A few of these cards existed in our gallery prior to this update, such as Julie Joyful, Frank Frankly, and Eddie Dear, but at the time of their restoration, much the package found was soaking wet so uncovering the entire set had been a dilemma. (We assume it must be water damage.) However, our restorers have managed to clean up Sally Starlet and Howdy Pillar to what we believe to be their original glory! Hot dog!

We've also uncovered a few more intriguing details, neighbors! Although much of the package is unreadable, there appears to be a made-up holiday these cards were meant to promote! "Mail-in-Time Day" is found on the back of all of the cards, as well as on the packaging itself. This may have been a holiday displayed only on the show, perhaps associated with Eddie Dear. (Wally and Barnaby are displayed on the front of the package, but they are wearing his uniform!) What a charming thought! We wonder if our Dear mailman has someone to spend this special day with! We assume it may be a mailbox!

We've also updated our guest book as well! So if you remember leaving us a kind message, feel free to peruse the gallery of signatures left on our lovely little webpage!

Speaking of love, neighbor, we also have one more large update to share!

The Welcome Home Restoration Project has received so much love and support in the duration of our efforts to recover this lost piece of media! But even better, you believe me. You know it is out there. With that said, someone has reached out to us to offer the opportunity to showcase our findings publicly for the world to see in an in-person exhibition! They are regarded as the Question-Answerer, a professional exhibitor and museum curator who believes in our happy home just as much as we do! Together, we will get it out, we will get everything out. You will see as we do, neighbor.

More information will arrive as we prepare for this exciting installation! Stay tuned and remember to wave up high!

- Welcome Home Restoration Project (WHRP)

February, 25, 2023

Hello neighbor!

We are so happy to announce how positive the feedback has been on our new updated website! Hundreds of page views and more guest signatures is something to really celebrate!

We hope in the coming months to continue our restoration processes and share them all with you! A few new items we have uncovered in the recent months are the additions of the main casts' family members! (How exciting!) Julie's siblings, Jonesy, Bea, and Franny are a few examples! A couple of cool cats who bloom just as brightly as Julie herself! (Although their faces suggest they don't all share her cheerful disposition! Very funny for a Joyful!) Barnaby's mother Miss Beagle is another surprising edition! We weren't expecting a chicken, but once we have cleaned up more of her uncovered pages, we will be happy to show you!

That is all for more information! Unfortunately, we do feel like we should address some concerns we have seen and heard. There are a few setback in the coding of this website (If only Eddie Dear were here! Could he use a computer?) But not to worry, neighbor, it only seems to be a few graphics and text that are askew! Please ignore them and continue to peruse our happy home until we can get everything patched up!

Have a wonderful day! Show the world your best smile!

- Welcome Home Restoration Project (WHRP)

January, 15, 2023

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the Welcome Home Restoration Project's first ever news post! We're so excited to begin interacting more with our fellow Welcome Home community! We may be only a few folks, but what is a neighborhood but not a lot of love and a strong foundation?

We have overhauled much of our website so please explore our new home! We've added a page so that you can get to know us better, updated much of the information we know about our favorite cast of colorful characters, and have a page for those who want to spread the good word about our happy home through our link page! We've also added so many more of your lovely signatures, so please head on over to the guest book to find yours or add your own!

Alongside these new updates, we've also decided to include this news page to keep everyone up to date on what we've found! (Maybe even what you've found!) Our sources take time, but we'd hate to leave a neighbor in the dark so we plan on updating this page whenever possible. As Frank Frankly would say, every detail is important and we'd love to showcase every little thing we've uncovered.

Happy New Year, neighbor! Now make like Barnaby and have a ball!

- Welcome Home Restoration Project (WHRP)

- Welcome Home Restoration Project (WHRP)

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January 14, 2023

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