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"Reliable, kind, and ever determined,
Eddie Dear is the best mailman Welcome Home has ever had, albeit the only one. Despite being a bit of a clumsy and forgetful fellow, Eddie loves his job and always manages to deliver everyone's mail right on schedule."

Eddie was a mail carrier who moved into Home from a distant town in order to establish a post office there, that of which was known as Eddie's Post Office

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Eddie was a mail carrier who moved into Home from a distant town in order to establish a post office there, that of which was known as Eddie's Post Office. Despite having a written origin, Eddie had never stated the correct name of where he came from through out the show's run. The running joke often had him stating a place that did not exist, followed by an admission to misremembering it as a place he delivered to as opposed to a place he lived.

Eddie's segments would often focus on arts and craft projects he would teach the other residents, which typically kept him behind the post office counter top. Uncovered printed material focused on preparing mail correctly, whether it was letters or parcels. Eddie would frequently be found in the neighborhood itself, often paired with a mail bag or a prop to be delivered. He would also become actively involved in skits involving the other neighbors, usually through providing solutions to other neighbors, usually through providing solutions to others' problems through labor.

Unlike Howdy's Place, Eddie's Post Office did not require compensation for its services. Home's residents could come and go as they pleased before the day would end. Illustrated pages also noted that Eddie had a mother who was a mail carrier, but she was not given a name and only vaguely mentioned

 Illustrated pages also noted that Eddie had a mother who was a mail carrier, but she was not given a name and only vaguely mentioned

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*Fun Fact- Did you know Eddie and Frank are actually engaged/Married in official art? Here!

*Fun Fact- Did you know Eddie and Frank are actually engaged/Married in official art? Here!

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They make such a cute couple! @:3

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They make such a cute couple! @:3

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