The Session

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Taking place after CoRII [Dinner Disaster] and before the third book commences, Nicole visits a therapy session with Erin to talk about what has happened during those recent events.

TW: this segment contains mentions of dissociation, depression, starvation and self-harm.

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It's a gloomy afternoon when Nicole got off work early. She had requested to be able to be dismissed earlier from her shift due to her therapy appointment. She fastens her seatbelt as she sits down in the driver's seat of the car and closes the door. Taking a deep breath, she turns the key and starts the engine but waits a little while before driving away. She inspects her surroundings out the windows, the parking lot of the Rainbow Factory, and she feels like she's too close to dissociating. Recent events are catching up with her too soon than she expects and she feels like it's the cause of her trigger right now. She shakes her head and tries to remain with her feet on the ground, but tries her best to take it easy as well. She will wait until she's more with her senses and temporarily turns off the engine of the car again to save carbon. The blue feline then closes her eyes and takes a few more deep breaths, trying to be at complete peace and focus on the calmness that runs through her. She feels the bandages around her arms itching the very next moment and she inspects them, without accidentally getting them loose as she knows scratching is the last thing she should do. She stretches her shoulder and tries to ignore the itchiness. It's been weeks since her last appointment due to how sick she had been feeling and the recent events were hard to process for her, thus why she needs this appointment so badly. But she feels reassured when she remembers her psychologist and psychiatrist Erin, who had been by her side for quite a while now. He is able to guide her well in her opinion and never struck an uncomfortable nerve with her fortunately. Nicole opens her eyes after a while and starts the car again when she feels more at ease and with her senses. Driving away, she starts making her way to Erin's office near the city center.

On the way, she starts feeling a slight bit of distress again, due to her knowing well how sensitive she always is during these therapy sessions. Despite having had many of them now, it still strikes some worry into her before attending one, just because she despises crying a lot. But that's what she does. A lot. Crying has become so usual for her that she no longer manages resisting it whenever she feels struck by something. And she tried to accept it overtime, but still struggles with that at the moment... Her ears twitch once she hears another car behind her honking at the red light that turns green. Jeez, not like I can react like Speedy Gonzalez, she thinks while scoffing and pushing the gas pedal, leaving the impatient driver behind. Slightly more irritated now, especially because she already had a tough shift today, she parks her car once arriving at Erin's office and gets out. She tries to shake it off with a smile upon entering the building and greeting the receptionist. "Good afternoon Mrs. Watterson, nice to see you again," says the white female peacock with glasses and a blue tunic. "Hiya Ms. Cawthorne, likewise," responds Nicole as she shows her teeth in her smile. "You're feeling alright, dear?" asks Cawthorne. "Eh, making the most of the least," says Nicole as she keeps still in front of the peacock, looking her in the eye. Cawthorne has bright amber eyes with a slight young spark despite her being close to retiring. The old avian had done this job for as long as Nicole can remember, roughly thirty years at least, and has been there ever since her first appointment at Erin's from about a year ago. She remembers how nervous she was for that first appointment, her having taken Richard with her just in case and for comfort purposes. Now she manages going on her own more often, despite how much stress still remained present within her for these appointments. But she tries her best and keeps going, really wanting to improve herself still and knowing that it's necessary. "Well, keep going sweetheart. I know you're doing your very best," responds Cawthorne with a smile on her beak. Nicole gives her a nod before turning around, only to see Erin in the doorstep of his office, ready for his next patient.

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