Welch's Fruit Snacks: Blackberry > Strawberry? (BreachxSova)

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Sova and Breach sat in Breach's messy apartment, surrounded by empty energy drink cans, pizza boxes, and Breach's collection of Pokemon cards. Breach was digging through a drawer, searching for something, when Sova spotted a pack of Welch's fruit snacks on the counter.

"Ah, Welch's fruit snacks! I haven't had those in ages," said Sova, grabbing the pack.

Breach glanced over at him, "Yeah, they're pretty good. But have you tried the strawberry flavor? It's the best."

Sova shook his head, "No way. Blackberry is definitely the superior flavor."

Breach's face turned red with anger, "What are you talking about? The blackberry flavor you like so much isn't even blackberry! It's supposed to be grape!"

Sova remained calm, using the zen mind calming abilities that he had learned from Brimstone. He picked up a blackberry flavored Welch's fruit snack and placed it on Breach's tongue.

Breach was momentarily taken aback by Sova's action, but he soon felt his mind and body become one with the blackberry flavor. As he savored the taste, he couldn't help but think about how much he enjoyed dipping his elbows in Kayo's motor oil every week.

Sova and Breach sat in silence, enjoying the fruity snack. Breach's mind wandered to his love for Italian bread, as well as his strange interest in feet and his habit of chugging toothpaste.

Despite their quirks and oddities, Sova and Breach both knew that their love for Welch's fruit snacks would always bring them together. As they finished the pack, they both silently swore an oath of silence, becoming Welch's fruit snack blackberry monks.

From that day forward, Sova and Breach would only speak of Welch's fruit snacks in hushed tones, their bond strengthened by their shared love of the sweet, fruity flavor. And as for Breach's Pokemon card collection stashed in the tank of his toilet? Well, that was a secret that they would both take to the grave.

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