Chapter 1: NXT to Raw

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It was NXT Takeover: New Orleans during WrestleMania weekend, I was set to defend my NXT Title in the main event against one of the most dominating stars on the NXT roster, Aleister Black. I have respect for Aleister because we were friends and travel buddies. I was told that I have to drop the title to black because Triple H told me I was going to Raw as part of the superstar Shaker-up, so this was my last match on the NXT brand. (Towards the end of the match)

Mauro Ranallo: Anderson going for the NIGHTMARE and Black counters with Black Mass! 




Mauro: we have a new NXT Champion! 

Aleister helps me up on my feet and holds out his hand, I accepted his offer and shook his hand and raised his arm in respect. 

Mauro: what sportsmanship between these two superstars and friends and what perfect send off for Ace Anderson.

 The fans chanted: "Thank you Ace!" I looked around in the arena with a smirk on my face and I bowed and wave to the fans. 

(Raw after WrestleMania) 

 I was at Raw as part of the Super Shake-up and i was sitting at catering with my best friends Finn Balor and Seth Rollins. 

Finn: that was one hell of match you had Aleister, lad

Seth: it was better than me and Finn's match with Miz. 

I smiled and said,

Ace: thanks guys Then Sasha Banks and Bayley walked in to catering

 Finn: Hey Babe!

 Bayley: Hi Babe!

Seth: Hey bestie 

Sasha: hey bestie

 Just then Nia Jax walked into catering with her best friend and joined Sasha and Bayley at their table. The first time I saw her best friend, my mouth hanged open and i got lost in her sky-blue eyes and her blonde hair with pink tips. I was staring at five feet of beauty. 

Finn and Seth snapped me out of my vision.

 Finn: Lad. are you alright? 

Seth: Dude, you've been eyeing her ever since she got here.

 Ace: Sorry guys, but who is that?

 Finn: you don't remember her that's Alexa bliss, mate, one of the top Raw Superstars, she is a feisty lass, but really beautiful but not as beautiful as beautiful as Bayley.

 As Finn mentioned her name, that's when it clicked me. She was the same girl i hate during my time in NXT. 

Ace: Finn, the past is past, time to move on.

 Seth and she is not as beautiful as Sasha, wait dude do you like her? 

Ace: Uh, maybe 

Finn: don't get your hopes up lad; she is dating a superstar on the 205 live roster, Buddy Murphy

 Ace I know 

Seth: true, but I heard from Sasha, that they have been fighting and on the verge of breaking up., so kind of hold your hopes up, dude. 

I smiled and thanked Seth. 

Ace's mind: I think I'm in love 

Production staff: Ace Anderson, you're up.

 Ace: thank you, sir

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