Chapter 3: Comfort

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As I packed my things ready to go, I heard loud voices at the catering area. I went to the catering area, and I saw Alexa and her boyfriend buddy murphy arguing. Alexa was crying and angrily told him. 

Alexa: you were never there when i needed you! 

Murphy: Well duh! We are different brands. 

Alexa got her phone out. 

Alexa: well can you explain this? 

Her phone shows a picture of murphy kissing another woman 

Alexa: you don't know how much this hurts me, we're done, it's over for us!

Murphey: it's over; when i say it's over

I watched with a concerned look on my face. As Murphy was about to hit Alexa, I stepped in and stopped him. 

Ace: bro, you're going to hit a lady? 

Murphy: this is none of your business mate, it's between me and Alexa. 

Alex: hitting a woman makes you less of a man than you are. 

Murphy and I started trade punches and we all over the catering area until we were separated by Seth and Finn. Sasha, Nia, and Bayley came in to comfort Alexa. Murphy stood up with blood running down from his head. 

Murphy: fine, we're done forever goodbye Alexa! 

Murphy stormed out of the arena. 

I walked up to Alexa and wiped the tears from her face. 

Ace: can you guys give us some time alone? 

Finn, Seth, Sasha, Bayley, and Nia agreed and left us.

Ace: are you okay? 

She is still crying and shaken of what happened 

Ace: Everything is going to be okay, Alexa, shhh. 

I hugged her tight, that her face is pressed against my chest and I rubbed her back. Tehn, I had my hands on her cheeks 

Ace: he's not a real man if he's going to hit a beautiful woman like you. you deserve someone better than him. 

Alexa smiled and blushed for a bit and i gave her a smirk. 

Alexa's: mind I do deserve someone better, I'm looking at him right now.

Ace: come on, I'll drive to our hotel 

i carried mine and Alexa's stuff to my Dodge Challenger. 

Alexa: what a gentlemen 

She smiled and i smiled back at her making her blush again

We drove up to the hotel and got our things out of the car. As I was leaving, Alexa grabbed me by the arm. 

Alexa: I don't want to stay with Murphy anymore, can I stay with you. 

I was surprised, I didn't know what to say, but in my heart I really like her, and my gut told me to go for it. I said to Alexa with a smile, 

Ace: yes you can

Alexa: yay! thank you so much! 

I grabbed our stuff and headed to my hotel room. 

Alexa: nice room! 

Ace: Seth was the one who recommend me this room. 

We were both tired and sleepy 

Ace: Alexa, you can take the bed, I'll be fine on the couch. 

Alexa: are you sure? We can sleep together on the bed, if that's okay with you? 

Ace: uh, it's ok Alexa, I'm really fine sleeping on the couch.

I dressed down in a tank top and basketball shorts and Alexa dressed down in shorts and a Little Miss Bliss T-Shirt. It was already 11:00 p.m. and we were sleepy. 

Ace: Good night. 

Alexa: Good night 

At around 1:00 a.m. Alexa woke me up 

Alexa: I feel lonely and I can't sleep, Ace can we sleep together on the bed? 

I groaned and said, 

Ace: okay. 

I lie down on the bed and Alexa had her head on my chest, I wrapped my arm around her to make her feel comfy. She smiled and slept peacefully. 

Alex's head: Thank you, Lord! 

Alexa's head: He's better looking than Murphy; I think I'm in love. 

(The next morning) 

Alexa woke up and giggled as she saw me sleeping, she playfully pinched my nose and i opened my eyes to gasp for air. She was laughing at my expense. 

Alexa: Good morning, Anderson 

Ace: good morning, Little Miss Bliss 

We smiled at each other. 

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